Banquet Event: My calculations are perfect

FalconiFalconi Member Posts: 230 ★★
edited December 2022 in General Discussion
Suppose u are Targetting 80,000 mark 6* AGem in solo event here's how much u need to spend units for that : short answer - 3525 units

Long answer....

Total 10 GBC as accolades available that's 10000pts (you know how to claim them)
There's 4 GBC available in early milestone of solo events thats 4000 pts.
There's 5 GBC available in early milestone of Ally event that's 5000 pts.
Total available GBC to claim 19000 pts for solo and ally event

Disclaimer: 4 GBC are available at last day of gifting calender which i found to be uncountable for me personally as i checked the timer runs out 6 hours early for me when gifting timer runs out and calander rewards me 4GBC on the last day.

Now you need to spend units to get remaining 80,000-19000 GBC pts = 61000 pts
Buy 61000/4000 GBC = 15.25 crystals = 4575 units
Now there's 1050 combined units available in early milestones of solo and ally event so 4575-1050 units = 3525 units needed to claim exact 80000 pts in solo event and claim everything below and Generic 6* Awakening Gem
3525 units needed whoever u are to claim more units that will result in more GBC buy and total buying of 15.25 GBC crystal from you to reach the pts.
Now 15 GBC can be bought easily from 4500 units (includes1050 units from milestones). For 0.25 GBC u can choose to buy 5 small crystals 15 units each.
That's it. Have units 3525 to buy only GBC and wait by the end claim all GBC and open them and voila 80,000 solo pts. now no more post needed

Disclaimer: 4 GBC are available at last day of gifting calender which i found to be uncountable for me personally as i checked the timer runs out 6 hours early for me when gifting timer runs out and calander rewards me last day 4GBC.


  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,508 ★★★★
    Thank you for working this through!
  • yuwyuw Member Posts: 316 ★★
    actually, the 4 ggc from calendar will be counted toward the solo event because as of 5:42am PST Dec 21st 2022. the earliest to claim the 4 ggc is within 12 days 10 hours 18 mins and the event ends in 13 days 4 hours
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    edited December 2022
    I think I've just spent ~2800 units (and will be able to reach the 6-star AG that way.

    EDIT: Actually spent more, but I'm counting with the 1050 units back from the events. So overall, I'm losing ~2800 units prior to what I had before the event
  • DigletGamingDigletGaming Member Posts: 849 ★★★★
    Wow! Thanks for your trouble!
  • MahonriiMahonrii Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2022
    Perfect.?. Maybe 🤔

    Short answer:
    Mahonrii said:

    Buy 12 ggc from your own unit stash. (3,600 units)

    Buy 3 more ggc with the units you get from the event. (900 units (with 150 left over))

    Get all the points from accolades and ally event.

    Net cost 3,450 units.

    Long answer:
    Mahonrii said:

    You get 3000 points for buying and 1000 points for opening a ggc. There are 9 ggc in the milestones, 4 in the calendar, and 10 through the accolades event in you nominate someone everyday, giving 23,000 free points.


    33,330 - 23,000 = 10,330
    10,330 / 4,000 = 2.5
    So buy 3 ggc to hit all ally milestones.

    SOLO MILESTONES (i just want 6*ag)

    80,000 - 23,000 = 57,000
    57,000 / 4,000 = 14.2
    So buy 15 ggc to hit the second to top solo milestone.

    Get 1050 units back from milestones.

    15 × 300 = 4,500
    4,500 - 1,050 = 3,450

    3,450 units.

    If the last 4 calendar crystals are not going to arrive before the event is over then add 300 units above... 3,750.
  • DĒstrOyer07DĒstrOyer07 Member Posts: 1
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    Wait the last 4 crystals aren't going to add to the event?

    ....sigh I hate arena
  • AntsiouAntsiou Member Posts: 191 ★★
    Just checked my account (gmt+2) and the last 4 crystals from the calendar drops in 5 days + 6,5h while the event ends in 5 days and 0,5h
    So, if that’s correct, the last 4 crystals won’t count.
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Antsiou said:

    Just checked my account (gmt+2) and the last 4 crystals from the calendar drops in 5 days + 6,5h while the event ends in 5 days and 0,5h
    So, if that’s correct, the last 4 crystals won’t count.

    Maybe you missed a day somewhere. Last day of calendar should drop in about 4d 4h. Event ends in 4d 22h.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,692 Guardian
    Antsiou said:

    Just checked my account (gmt+2) and the last 4 crystals from the calendar drops in 5 days + 6,5h while the event ends in 5 days and 0,5h
    So, if that’s correct, the last 4 crystals won’t count.

    Read the Calendar wording again. It does not say that the last one drops in 5 days + (now) 4 hrs).
    It says there are 5 days left (5 days/items worth to be claimed), and separately says in how many hours the next day's item can be claimed.

    So it is really 4 days + 4 hours until final item can be claimed (with 24 hours thereafter to do so) makes the overall calendar remaining time at 5 days + 5 hours before it goes away entirely.
  • AntsiouAntsiou Member Posts: 191 ★★
    Thanks for clarifying, I see it now, the timer on the calendar itself is the time until it disappears as you said, so until I can claim the last item. Not when the item itself appears. Since there’s a 24h window to claim.
    Nice, I can stop grinding to get the one crystal I need to get the 6* AG milestone.
  • FalconiFalconi Member Posts: 230 ★★
    Calculation ar

    Antsiou said:

    Just checked my account (gmt+2) and the last 4 crystals from the calendar drops in 5 days + 6,5h while the event ends in 5 days and 0,5h
    So, if that’s correct, the last 4 crystals won’t count.

    Read the Calendar wording again. It does not say that the last one drops in 5 days + (now) 4 hrs).
    It says there are 5 days left (5 days/items worth to be claimed), and separately says in how many hours the next day's item can be claimed.

    So it is really 4 days + 4 hours until final item can be claimed (with 24 hours thereafter to do so) makes the overall calendar remaining time at 5 days + 5 hours before it goes away entirely.
    Yes even though my calculations are perfect, but i suppose perfect means nothing big when kabam keep making weirdly formed statements and messy wordings, i am now calculating those 4000 pts from those free GBCs, that means final unit spend comes down 300 units less so for those that can claim the final milestone before event runs out have to spend units 3275 to be exact. To get 80k pts
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