Issue with battlegrounds rewards

A friend from my alliance has been facing this from the past two seasons of battlegrounds. As we receive 3 mails for bg season rewards he apparently receives only two of them. The one mail where we get our individual ranking and attached rewards is not present for him since the past two seasons. 

He apparently did not receive this third mail. Any help on this matter would be appreciated #kabam @Kabam Miike
The only thing I can think is that I didn’t do any fights in gladiator circuit I just made it through vibranium and then stopped when I reached gladiator circuit as I only like to do the minimum required for rewards. I’ve put a ticket in but curious if it happened to others.
Received Ally & Solo rewards, but no Glad placement rewards
Sent in a ticket without a response as of yet
@Kabam Miike
Just qualifying for Gladiator circuit does NOT mean you have PARTICIPATED in Gladiator Circuit. (unfortunately, and I do think they should change that, but for now it is what it is, and support will not be able to reward you something you did not earn)
Once you reach (qualify for entrance in) Gladiator Circuit, you have to actually partake in at least 1 match in Gladiator Circuit to then be able to get G.C. Rewards.
Compare this to say needing 1000 points of something (some generic event, just using as example) in order to qualify for Rank Rewards.
Now say you EXACTLY just did 1000 points, well using GC logic, that would not be enough to qualify you for Rank Rewards. All the 1000 did was grant you *entry* into the Rank Reward track. But you still have to “run a race” in the new Rank Reward track, ie. put up 1 more point above 1000, in order to actually get Rank Rewards for that Event.
That would be the equivalence, but obviously that is NOT how our normal Solo or Ally Events work that have minimums.