I finally got him

After many failed attempts and EOP failing me I gave up. I was one r4 away from Paragon but I still had hope to get Stryfe.
I saw the alliance banquet milestone had an abyss nexus and knew this had to be the moment I could get him.
As I opened it, in order I saw Apoc,AA, Bishop, Psylocke, Sabretooth, Cable, Havok, Namor, and Capt Psylocke. It wasn’t looking like he’d show up but lo and behold…
There he is!

I immediately r4 him and gave him max sig. It was a long time coming but I am happy for once

I saw the alliance banquet milestone had an abyss nexus and knew this had to be the moment I could get him.
As I opened it, in order I saw Apoc,AA, Bishop, Psylocke, Sabretooth, Cable, Havok, Namor, and Capt Psylocke. It wasn’t looking like he’d show up but lo and behold…
There he is!

I immediately r4 him and gave him max sig. It was a long time coming but I am happy for once

OP, happy you found who you were looking for ^^
I have my 6* r2 sig 20 atm, he's amazing for so many things.
Now can anyone let me know why Stryfe is so good? I have him unduped rank 1 and only use him in arena. Any tips on rotation and where he excels at will be much appreciated.
What‘s he good for by himself?
He is a awesome champ!