Wiccan value

Wiccan's Silence (Neutalize) Spell is not the same in game as it in the forum and MCOC website champion spotlight. It says on both it should be a 10 second Neutralize but in game it is a 5 second Neutralize. There is not mention of it in the rebalance either.
Edit: Just tested it, the duration is actually 5 seconds, not a text error
5 secondes is too short. 10secondes should be better. it's unplayable with 5 secondes
Do you think we could get a compromise on 7.5s?
Also there is still no acknowledgment to omega sentinel and how her auto block will trigger the second a defender starts a medium attack. Doesn’t matter if you dex, parry, or even intercept.
I do find it quite funny how fast they fixed crossbones pro player bug but if it’s a bug that affects a champ negatively it’s ignored for weeks if not months at a time.