The Necessary evil

BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
We have seen the champs we love most and talked about it a lot on forums.

Let's do another round but this time we will tell about one or 2 champs from each class , which we don't like due any reason which can be their playstyle, animation or anything else. But we still ranked them up very high and invested in them because no matter how much we dislike them we still use them because we know they will do the job and can be best bet than others. I'll go first

Cosmic :-Corvus
His playstyle and limits to charges

Mystic :-BWCV
She gives mix feeling. She don't hit that hard and i don't find really much reason to use her. But still use her when immunities comes into play. She can be fav sometimes and sometimes she's just boring to play for me

Science : Mr F
He is awesome in general but not for me. Just can't find that much useful due to my own Playstyle and preference. Just use him for pre-fight abilities.

Skill : NF
Really awesome champ but i hate him how his damage capabilities are in 2nd life. Have him at r3 , feeded him ag because i knew he is useful where none can but still hate his playstyle and that low hp fear

Mutant : Kitty
I have her only 5 star but really don't find that much fun ( my personal opinion).

Tech : Ultron
This one just get on my nerves especially when i have to parry and he evades. Not a fan and his mechanic just ruined him for me

Share yours


  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    edited December 2022
    CGR to R4 - I know he's great but I just don't 3mjoy using him. Took him up bcoz of his value in BGs. Almost never use him anywhere else but he always finds a spot in my BG deck, which is what I ranked him up for.

    SM2099 to R3 - Buff immunity
    AntiVenom to R3 - Ranked him up bcoz of his immunities but have still not used him in any meaningful content so don't know if he's eligible to be a part of this thread. Currently he sees action only 3-4 times year when I do arenas.

    Aegon to R3 - too him up for incursions but he's never a part of my Incursions team
    Thor Ragnarok to R3 - took him for 6.4.6 Carina Challenge

    ProfX to R3 - just don't like his playstyle. Took him up bcoz of immunity to reverse controls.

    Untron to R3 - Good champ after his buff. Took him up as an additional Bishop counter but these days I hardly ever use him. Even invested some sigs in him.

    Hood to R3 - I haven't played too much with him yet but do far I haven't liked him too much. May be my opinion will change the more I start playing with him.
    I can't deny his value in controlling tricky cosmics, which is the main reason I took him up even unduped.

  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★

    Science: Void
    I like this dudes design but i despise his slow playstyle, also running suicides makes this man almost unusable,

    Skill: Falcon
    He's got really good utility but i absolutely hate how boring it is to play him. dash back hold block, MLLLM, MLLLM, MLLLM, SP2, Repeat

    Mutant: Omega Red
    Not bothered with the sig investment also i hate playing slow, which is this whole dudes thing so he's a big no for me

    Tech: IMIW
    this dude is the worst, along with being an absolute pain on defense his animations are disgusting to me, the way his double medium plays out just gives me the ick, also his damagee is pretty trash so that's not good

    Cosmic: CMM
    I know she's good and cool and all but i hate how stressful it is to keep up her charges and how little you get from a heavy, if they added a synergy which gave her like a 8 charges per heavy then id like her alot more

    Mystic: Rinttrah
    Pretty much the same reason as IMIW, i hate his animations and hes a pain on defense, also his sp2 being such a hit or miss

    Also off topic but i got a 6* Jessica Jones from a bgc

    Congrats for that Jessica Jones mate
    And for that void i can totally understand the pain. I have him at r4 max sig but without suicide i understand the frustration
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited December 2022
    Iron Patriot - He only spins

    Jokes aside
    The champs I Hate playing
    Kitty Pryde - I used her a few times but I haven't been able to master her so well.
    CGR - i love this guy but When I get bad RNG he doesn't crit at all
    Guardian - Not good against energy resistance champs like Shuri but only one in my roster who can parry her
    Captain Marvel Movie - She takes time to ramp up and takes more time against non energy champs
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★

    Iron Patriot - He only spins

    Jokes aside
    The champs I Hate playing
    Kitty Pryde - I used her a few times but I haven't been able to master her so well.
    CGR - i love this guy but When I get bad RNG he doesn't crit at all
    Guardian - Not good against energy resistance champs like Shuri but only one in my roster who can parry her
    Captain Marvel Movie - She takes time to ramp up and takes more time against non energy champs

    You don't have Angela? Class advantage and can parry non contact hits.

    Not sure there is any champ i hate playing with who is supposed to be OP and i have a lot of them.

    Maybe Mr. Negative simply because when i use his evade somehow the defender always recovers before I can hit them after it.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,297 Guardian
    Cosmic: Corvus
    The dude is boring and the only time I've used him in the last 17 months was for a legend run on the EQ with Sersi.

    Mystic: Doom
    The dude is a great champion, but he is extremely boring to play. Recently I've been purposefully avoiding using him, and I will never r4 him since I don't want my pfp to be just him until I can r5 someone.

    A few honorable mentions is herc being boring and too EZ to play. CGR because I like dexterity, but I'm starting to warm up to him due to BGs. Knull because having to ramp up every fight is boring to me.
  • TheLightBringerTheLightBringer Member Posts: 452 ★★★★
    Cosmic: Hyperion, Is he a bad champ? No. But is he the best champ to do anything, also No. I still don't know why people rate him as a top 5 cosmic when he's not the best in anything, too much RNG involved.

    Mystic: BWCV, she has a unique ability with buff immunity but everything else about her is average at best

    Science: Mr Fantastic, too slow for me even when I'm doing a perfect fight with him I end up losing because of the time, in solo content there's always better science champs

    Mutant: Stryfe, he's not a better aegon, and there's absolutely no reason to use him outside everest content

    Skill: Elsa bloodstone, she's not that good, totally overrated by some secret hidden colt of players

    Tech: Guardian too much rampup, he was great first because if AAR immunity but with Nimrod and OS now I find no reason for using him

    None of these is a fact as well, just my opinion
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    Mutant: Professor X
    Skill: Nick Fury
    Science: Spiderman2099
    Mystic: Rintrah
    Cosmic: Angela
    Tech: Sparky
  • spidyjedi84spidyjedi84 Member Posts: 437 ★★★
    Cosmic: Hyperion. He's just a stupid tank on defense, but sluggish and horrific to play on offense. I ranked him up for Battlegrrounds as he was the meat muscle so many struggle against on defense, myself included.

    Science - Human Torch. He makes fights too easy. I know that seems like a trivial complaint, that we shouldn't be upset about that, but his playstyle is so boring because of that that if I'm against a mystic, it's just continually tapping and the person is reduced to dust. Leveled primarily so people would potentially block him in Battlegrounds and I can bring one of my favorite science champions into the fight as a Trojan horse.

    Mutant - Domino. RNG always kicks my butt when she's on defense, but on offense I've never figured out her play style. I'm leveling my 5 star for Battlegrounds.

    Skill - Kingpin. His playstyle is so clunky, but losing so often to him in fights even with great mutants, I just decided to level him so people might blocck him in Battlegrounds.

    Mystic - Hood. I only ranked him as I had no Mystic of any decent strength so much. I've never figured out his playstyle, but he's one of my top 5 champions because I've thrown a lot of levels into him.

    Tech - It's definitely Punisher 2099. Similar to Hood, I had no decent Tech champions at the time, so advanced him to help me with some Act 4 and Act 5 content I couldn't power through with a 4-star. I've since got many better tech champions, including Peni Parker.
  • DancingElephantDancingElephant Member Posts: 12
    Pikolu said:

    Cosmic: Corvus
    The dude is boring and the only time I've used him in the last 17 months was for a legend run on the EQ with Sersi.

    Mystic: Doom
    The dude is a great champion, but he is extremely boring to play. Recently I've been purposefully avoiding using him, and I will never r4 him since I don't want my pfp to be just him until I can r5 someone.

    A few honorable mentions is herc being boring and too EZ to play. CGR because I like dexterity, but I'm starting to warm up to him due to BGs. Knull because having to ramp up every fight is boring to me.

    If you high sig Knull then you don't have to ramp up
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,297 Guardian

    Pikolu said:

    Cosmic: Corvus
    The dude is boring and the only time I've used him in the last 17 months was for a legend run on the EQ with Sersi.

    Mystic: Doom
    The dude is a great champion, but he is extremely boring to play. Recently I've been purposefully avoiding using him, and I will never r4 him since I don't want my pfp to be just him until I can r5 someone.

    A few honorable mentions is herc being boring and too EZ to play. CGR because I like dexterity, but I'm starting to warm up to him due to BGs. Knull because having to ramp up every fight is boring to me.

    If you high sig Knull then you don't have to ramp up
    That's true, but my knull is not awakened and I rather not have another cosmic competing for my roster attention.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
    AMS94 said:

    CGR to R4 - I know he's great but I just don't 3mjoy using him. Took him up bcoz of his value in BGs. Almost never use him anywhere else but he always finds a spot in my BG deck, which is what I ranked him up for.

    SM2099 to R3 - Buff immunity
    AntiVenom to R3 - Ranked him up bcoz of his immunities but have still not used him in any meaningful content so don't know if he's eligible to be a part of this thread. Currently he sees action only 3-4 times year when I do arenas.

    Aegon to R3 - too him up for incursions but he's never a part of my Incursions team
    Thor Ragnarok to R3 - took him for 6.4.6 Carina Challenge

    ProfX to R3 - just don't like his playstyle. Took him up bcoz of immunity to reverse controls.

    Untron to R3 - Good champ after his buff. Took him up as an additional Bishop counter but these days I hardly ever use him. Even invested some sigs in him.

    Hood to R3 - I haven't played too much with him yet but do far I haven't liked him too much. May be my opinion will change the more I start playing with him.
    I can't deny his value in controlling tricky cosmics, which is the main reason I took him up even unduped.

    That prof x explanation is on point. His playstyle makes me hate him sometimes as well but he he do the job phenomenally in abyss
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
    Wow in this thread lot of OP champs are boring to some players. Totally get that point.
    Having the necessary evil makes job easier but funwise we just don't like them much. I am excited for more replies to this thread
    Want to know how much important the champs to content but aren't fun for them.
  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★
    Champion: Kang the Conqueror
    Class: Tech
    Reason: Hoping he gets buffed one day.

    Even though Kang is next to useless, I ranked him up because I'm hoping Kabam revisits this character and gives him a massive rework. There's SO much you could do with time travel abilities. Aging debuffs, temporal distortions (fancy name for projectile phasing buffs), forcefields, SP3 time-traveling cinematic.

    Champion: Karnak
    Class: Skill
    Reason: He was my first 6-star (also the first 6-star I awakened)

    When they announced that Karnak was getting a buff, I was excited but he still feels like a champ that requires a lot of work to use properly. I like his Inhuman heritage and his design. I just wish he had pierce debuffs or at least longer-lasting fragility debuffs.
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    Cosmic--Corvus has to be the most overrated champ in this class.....he hits hard is his biggest pro. There are now 10 champs in this class alone that can keep up with him damage wise....and it's stressful making sure to not blow your load in ten seconds (glaive charges)

    Skill--Aegon and it's not close. He's known for huge health pool fights and just isn't fun to play. I don't want to do massive health pool fights with one of the most boring, repetitive champs in the game.

    Mystic---Morningstar--Ive tried to like her on so many occasions. I know there are a few MS fanboys out there but I can't do's not 2017 anymore. Her ramp up is exponentially harder vs 2022 health pools.

    Mutant-- Red Mags. Before everyone kills me. I'm over him. It was cool for a while and I'll inevitably use him 100x this year vs some metal trashcan but it's still boring....heavy, parry, heavy, parry, heavy and finalllllly xidndjieuxdhbuzevrjzkzjbdbcrashboom.

    Tech--Ghost. I've learned to ghost 👻 and even got decent at it but to me there's usually a better tech option or at least there's another option that is close option wise but not nearly as stressful and doesn't require a synergy.

    Science--Quake/Mr Neg-- I don't want to play a fighting game by not fighting. Sorry.

    Flip side of all this (champs I'm having the most fun playing lately.......gorr, nimrod, omega sentinel, Titania, Wong, Tigra)
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