Alliance War Enlistment (auto)

Having trouble with enlistment and wondering if I'm alone here. Did a quick glance and didnt see a new post on this:
When I enlist for war and go through the whole prompt chain on auto enlistment, it has the wrong number of battle groups. So matter what order or how I do it, the war room page says 3 battlegroups after only enlisting 1. It may just be a text error, but didn't want to wait until matchmaking starts tomorrow to ask about it.

For the record, I unenlisted altogether, enlisted again at 1 battlegroup and it still says enlisted for 3. The autoenlist says the correct number, but the currently enlisted category still says 4.

Hope that makes sense.


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,807 Guardian
    Not a new issue, many posts since the War Auto-Enlist feature was added.

    In “NEXT WAR” Tab, select the on/off season slider to one position, pick # of BG’s, then press CONFIRM.

    Move on/off season slider to other position, pick BG's for that one, then press CONFIRM again.

    NOTE, this “Next War” screen will NOT actually show you what your current settings are afterward, it is only the controls for doing the setting up. (**which may be a bug, or else poor design, that needs rework).

    So, the only way to actually see your settings is to go to next Tab over to the right (“WAR ROOM”).

    Firstly, to be able to see current settings, time has to be in between the period when war attack has finished, but before next matching period starts. Otherwise this “War Room” screen just shows your current war's info, not the enlistment status info for the next war after that. (**additional design flaw, coupled with previous tab's display/design issue)

    Then (in this “War Room” Tab) ignore first line of the 3 status descriptions, top one will ALWAYS say “enlisted for 3 BG's” (**yet another bug). Just pay attention to the side-by-side status descriptions below that, the ones saying for On-Season and Off-Season. Those should accurately tell you how many you will be auto-enrolled for.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,807 Guardian
    (answer for @Zolobacsi also)
  • Professor_NPVProfessor_NPV Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for the explanation.
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