AAR and Neutralize in new BG Meta

Small question: So when our champs are able to stop an armor buff from triggering after the 10th hit (due to a neutralize on the opponent or ability accuracy reduction), the hit counter doesn’t reset the same way as it would, had the armor up buff triggered… It permanently stays at 10 until the armor up buff is actually triggered…
Is this intended?
Is this intended?
I just posted the following on another post, figured it would be helpful here too:
Hello Summoners!
We brought this to the game team. Apparently this is a bug that impacts specific cases, like the ones you mentioned in the forum. It is something the team is aware of and has a fix that will be implemented with the next build (in a handful of days)
Hopefully you can use this information to adapt your strategy for a few more days.
Thanks for your patience!