Help with 7.2 - Gwenmaster

kus234kus234 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
edited January 2023 in Strategy and Tips
I am trying 100% do act 7.2 and right now on 7.2.6.

Trying to figure out any newer champs can be better counters for the GwenMaster? Will herc, Galan or Hulking work? Or any other newer champ what may make the fight eaiser?

Also is there a written guide for her phases?
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on


  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    I used Mr Sinister
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    I used prof x
  • Gogeta91199Gogeta91199 Member Posts: 990 ★★★★
    Any champ can work in this fight but mainly most players including me suffer in the emma phase i.e. reversed controls during specials. So basically champs immune to reversed controls like kitty with emma, mysterio with emma, prof x, wiccan, mr sinister, hulks with overseer will have a easier time dealing with the fight.
  • DonDudu2809DonDudu2809 Member Posts: 384 ★★
    I have one shotted her everytime with Doom, just stay focused in the inverted controls phase or just bring an inverted control immune champion.
  • PowerOfACandlePowerOfACandle Member Posts: 351 ★★★
    kus234 said:

    I am trying 100% do act 7.2 and right now on 7.2.6.

    Trying to figure out any newer champs can be better counters for the GwenMaster? Will herc, Galan or Hulking work? Or any other newer champ what may make the fight eaiser?

    Also is there a written guide for her phases?

    Take mix master path and any champ can counter her.
  • PowerOfACandlePowerOfACandle Member Posts: 351 ★★★

    kus234 said:

    I am trying 100% do act 7.2 and right now on 7.2.6.

    Trying to figure out any newer champs can be better counters for the GwenMaster? Will herc, Galan or Hulking work? Or any other newer champ what may make the fight eaiser?

    Also is there a written guide for her phases?

    Take mix master path and any champ can counter her.
    For exploration professor x might help you because he's immune to reverse controls.
  • AjisdopeAjisdope Member Posts: 972 ★★★
    kus234 said:

    I am trying 100% do act 7.2 and right now on 7.2.6.

    Also is there a written guide for her phases?

    Plenty of info for her phases on youtube.
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