Obviously not a bug in BG

Since my previous discussion was closed I couldn't react, out of curiosity, other than submitting a 100 tickets to support, what else is going to happen. Because I keep reporting them, I keep getting the same response and I still keep losing the same way. Disconnect, disconnect, disconnect. I'm not writing here, because I don't know how to report "suspicious activity", I'm writing here to ask what is being done about it and to get an answer. 

But it's not sandbagging just because someone gets matched against someone stronger.
And it's not hacking of your device by your opponent if your device has an unfortunate “connection” issue.
It's the game, the processing requirements of BattleGrounds compared to lower content, the “live” (as far as both players having stricter timing requirements) aspect of playing against someone else as opposed to just your own lagging in other content only affecting you where you have plenty of time to recover or stay lagged until things clear up. Etc.
Disconnects are nothing to “report” someone for suspicious activity for.
That's not the fault of the other person.
Same with your post, you are getting a loss because of some connection issue, whereby your device is not able to maintain a constant “pinging” of “still here” type of responses between your device and the game servers throughout a processor-intensive fight.
Has nothing to do with your opponent. (Unless your opponent is somehow hacking into your internet, or launching a “Denial of Service” attack against you or Kabam servers at the time of your match).
If you get a Forfeited, means that something went wrong between your device and Kabam servers. The opponent is separately conducting their fight on their own device, communicating between themself and game servers. Their device is not directly communicating with your device.