Champs rating decreased when ranked
So, I ranked my 6* Corvus to r3 and his rating dropped from 10,400 to 10,200. I'm told this is normal. But is it really? Your champs decrease when you rank them up? Does it make up for it when you level them up? It's really bothering me lol
I’ll bring a weird and possibly dumb and useless analogy to the table. Think of a drivers license. When you’re learning to drive there’s always another person in the car to help you. An extra pair of eyes to watch the road and some experience to impart wisdom. Once you receive your license you are likely to become a weaker driver at first because you now rely solely on your skills and senses alone without that other person in the car. So you’ve been promoted to a new rank, but you’re restarting at a lower level until you gain experience (level up) to improve on your skills and abilities. Do champs need to learn? No. But a rank in and of itself doesn’t inherently make a champ stronger on their own, otherwise there would be no need to level up.
It is always true that a rank 2 level 1 has higher rating than a rank 1 level 1. It is also always true that a rank 2 max level (level 35) champ has a higher rating than a rank 1 max level (level 25). But when you go from rank 1 level 25 to rank 2 level 1, your champion rating can drop because you are in effect gaining one rank but losing 24 levels.
Rank 2 level 1 is not glued to the end of rank 1 level 25. It is not like there are 60 levels in a row, and the first 25 are rank 1 and the second 35 are rank 2. Ranks are like rungs on a ladder, and levels are like someone reaching up while standing on that rung. A short person on the second rung might not reach as high as a tall person on the first rung.