Infamous Doom Basic Pool Date Changed?



  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,458 ★★★★★
    Does this need a petition? @Kabam Miike
  • VestasCureVestasCure Member Posts: 137 ★★
    edited January 2023
    ItsDamien said:

    "The ONLY reason I picked tech abyss nexuses was so I could get iDoom earlier than the featured when he gets added to the basic pool as projected based on the champ release schedule that has been in the game for MONTHS."

    I keep seeing this "I picked it because I wanted him before he was in featured" argument. You realize champs have never been supposed to be in basic pool before featured pool, right? Should that not have been a clue to people that something was wrong? There is a relatively normal schedule of when champs are put into the basic pool after the release, which I see as a lot of people's arguments for why this is wrong for Kabam to change that. But following that same logic, champs aren't supposed to be in basic pool before featured, so isn't it wrong for Kabam to not change that? Or is that one okay because it benefits you? Can't use logic only when it fits your side of the argument.

    That's the biggest problem I have with these complaints, is most people knowingly picked the nexus because they thought they'd get a champ before they were in the featured, which most should know that is not supposed to be how things work. Kabam is even giving us a better featured that we would have gotten before because of it. We are getting something out of it, even if it sucks for those that planned something else. But also, if you planned something according to expecting the game to not work the way it always has (champs in featured before basic) then IMO you shouldn't be complaining that Kabam makes sure the game does in fact work how it should.

    That all being said, I saw someone mention that they'd accept a way to trade their abyss nexus for a different class. I think that'd be a good middle ground - let people that really have a problem with this trade it in and let others that are fine with waiting, wait.

    Counter to your word vomit, Kabam also contradict themselves by stating champs are meant to be in the basic pool 4.5 - 5 months after their initial release. Well iDoom was released 22nd September. 26th January is 4.5 months (18 weeks) and 9th February is 5 months (20 weeks) both of which are still sooner than the 21st February they’ve now shifted to. Their own words do not follow the logic of “oh a champ shouldn’t be in a basic before their featured crystal” because timeframes are definitive.
    I literally discussed that Kabam has a relatively normal schedule for when champs are added to basic after being released. How are you going to counter my "word vomit" by bringing up something that I literally discussed in said vomit? This contradicts nothing I said - it's conflicting logic. The problem being people are only using the side of said conflicting logic that benefits them (champs should be released in x timeframe) and conveniently forgetting champs aren't supposed to be in basic before featured. Timeframes are also not definitive, by definition of the word time frame, it's not a definitive date. If they were definitive, the sites that project these dates wouldn't need to have a disclaimer that they are merely projections and not final dates.

    I'm not saying Kabam handled this perfectly. I'm also not saying no one has any reason to be upset. I'm saying the biggest reason people are upset is because they believed a projected date and are now asking for compensation/"Kabam to fix it" when Kabam did not ever give them said specific date. This community **** on Kabam enough, I'd like to see a little less crying on things that aren't fully in their control. But the internet is always going to be the internet, so I'm sure I'm wasting my time saying all of this.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    ItsDamien said:

    "The ONLY reason I picked tech abyss nexuses was so I could get iDoom earlier than the featured when he gets added to the basic pool as projected based on the champ release schedule that has been in the game for MONTHS."

    I keep seeing this "I picked it because I wanted him before he was in featured" argument. You realize champs have never been supposed to be in basic pool before featured pool, right? Should that not have been a clue to people that something was wrong? There is a relatively normal schedule of when champs are put into the basic pool after the release, which I see as a lot of people's arguments for why this is wrong for Kabam to change that. But following that same logic, champs aren't supposed to be in basic pool before featured, so isn't it wrong for Kabam to not change that? Or is that one okay because it benefits you? Can't use logic only when it fits your side of the argument.

    That's the biggest problem I have with these complaints, is most people knowingly picked the nexus because they thought they'd get a champ before they were in the featured, which most should know that is not supposed to be how things work. Kabam is even giving us a better featured that we would have gotten before because of it. We are getting something out of it, even if it sucks for those that planned something else. But also, if you planned something according to expecting the game to not work the way it always has (champs in featured before basic) then IMO you shouldn't be complaining that Kabam makes sure the game does in fact work how it should.

    That all being said, I saw someone mention that they'd accept a way to trade their abyss nexus for a different class. I think that'd be a good middle ground - let people that really have a problem with this trade it in and let others that are fine with waiting, wait.

    Counter to your word vomit, Kabam also contradict themselves by stating champs are meant to be in the basic pool 4.5 - 5 months after their initial release. Well iDoom was released 22nd September. 26th January is 4.5 months (18 weeks) and 9th February is 5 months (20 weeks) both of which are still sooner than the 21st February they’ve now shifted to. Their own words do not follow the logic of “oh a champ shouldn’t be in a basic before their featured crystal” because timeframes are definitive.
    I literally discussed that Kabam has a relatively normal schedule for when champs are added to basic after being released. How are you going to counter my "word vomit" by bringing up something that I literally discussed in said vomit? This contradicts nothing I said - it's conflicting logic. The problem being people are only using the side of said conflicting logic that benefits them (champs should be released in x timeframe) and conveniently forgetting champs aren't supposed to be in basic before featured. Timeframes are also not definitive, by definition of the word time frame, it's not a definitive date. If they were definitive, the sites that project these dates wouldn't need to have a disclaimer that they are merely projections and not final dates.

    I'm not saying Kabam handled this perfectly. I'm also not saying no one has any reason to be upset. I'm saying the biggest reason people are upset is because they believed a projected date and are now asking for compensation/"Kabam to fix it" when Kabam did not ever give them said specific date. This community **** on Kabam enough, I'd like to see a little less crying on things that aren't fully in their control. But the internet is always going to be the internet, so I'm sure I'm wasting my time saying all of this.
    I’m only going to address the time frame part. Kabam have stated themselves the projected timeframe. 4.5 - 5 months. Which is stated in their latest post about the change to the schedule. Their own time frame contradicts the time that iDoom should be entering the basic.
  • 16wegnerk16wegnerk Member Posts: 214 ★★
    edited January 2023
    ItsDamien said:

    The thing that doesn’t make sense is that they say champs should be added to the basic pool every 4.5 - 5 months. Well 4.5 months is usually 18 weeks, which iDoom was released September 22nd, so January 26th is 18 weeks. Even 2 more weeks to make it 20, or 5 months, is February 9th. So perhaps @Kabam Miike or Jax would like to comment on this?

    May I ask how 5 months after September 22nd is February 9th?

    Assume 1 month passes when you get from the 22nd of one month to the 22nd of the next. September to October is 1 month, etc… 5 months later is February 22nd. The day he will be added to the basic.

    In assuming a month is 4 weeks in your calculation, all months have 28 days only, which is clearly not true.

    Edit: apologies for anyone in the situation, i hope something comes for you to get a resolution. I’m not picking a side here, just want to straighten out the math
  • GiomeGiome Member Posts: 170 ★★

    "The ONLY reason I picked tech abyss nexuses was so I could get iDoom earlier than the featured when he gets added to the basic pool as projected based on the champ release schedule that has been in the game for MONTHS."

    I keep seeing this "I picked it because I wanted him before he was in featured" argument. You realize champs have never been supposed to be in basic pool before featured pool, right? Should that not have been a clue to people that something was wrong? There is a relatively normal schedule of when champs are put into the basic pool after the release, which I see as a lot of people's arguments for why this is wrong for Kabam to change that. But following that same logic, champs aren't supposed to be in basic pool before featured, so isn't it wrong for Kabam to not change that? Or is that one okay because it benefits you? Can't use logic only when it fits your side of the argument.

    That's the biggest problem I have with these complaints, is most people knowingly picked the nexus because they thought they'd get a champ before they were in the featured, which most should know that is not supposed to be how things work. Kabam is even giving us a better featured that we would have gotten before because of it. We are getting something out of it, even if it sucks for those that planned something else. But also, if you planned something according to expecting the game to not work the way it always has (champs in featured before basic) then IMO you shouldn't be complaining that Kabam makes sure the game does in fact work how it should.

    That all being said, I saw someone mention that they'd accept a way to trade their abyss nexus for a different class. I think that'd be a good middle ground - let people that really have a problem with this trade it in and let others that are fine with waiting, wait.

    "The ONLY reason I picked tech abyss nexuses was so I could get iDoom earlier than the featured when he gets added to the basic pool as projected based on the champ release schedule that has been in the game for MONTHS."

    I keep seeing this "I picked it because I wanted him before he was in featured" argument. You realize champs have never been supposed to be in basic pool before featured pool, right? Should that not have been a clue to people that something was wrong? There is a relatively normal schedule of when champs are put into the basic pool after the release, which I see as a lot of people's arguments for why this is wrong for Kabam to change that. But following that same logic, champs aren't supposed to be in basic pool before featured, so isn't it wrong for Kabam to not change that? Or is that one okay because it benefits you? Can't use logic only when it fits your side of the argument.

    That's the biggest problem I have with these complaints, is most people knowingly picked the nexus because they thought they'd get a champ before they were in the featured, which most should know that is not supposed to be how things work. Kabam is even giving us a better featured that we would have gotten before because of it. We are getting something out of it, even if it sucks for those that planned something else. But also, if you planned something according to expecting the game to not work the way it always has (champs in featured before basic) then IMO you shouldn't be complaining that Kabam makes sure the game does in fact work how it should.

    That all being said, I saw someone mention that they'd accept a way to trade their abyss nexus for a different class. I think that'd be a good middle ground - let people that really have a problem with this trade it in and let others that are fine with waiting, wait.

    It was official announced with a in game email that 6* champions will enter the basic on the same time as 5* ( I posted a link in some previous comment that proves this), once again your argument that this is not a legitimate complaint is flawed. Even if it was unintended that 6* enters the basic before their featured crystal is out there was no way for players that bought the nexus to expect this change. I keep repeating myself but the issue here is simply the timing. Was it so urgent to implement this change now and disappoint part of the players? What would have changed if this was implemented only one month later?
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    16wegnerk said:

    ItsDamien said:

    The thing that doesn’t make sense is that they say champs should be added to the basic pool every 4.5 - 5 months. Well 4.5 months is usually 18 weeks, which iDoom was released September 22nd, so January 26th is 18 weeks. Even 2 more weeks to make it 20, or 5 months, is February 9th. So perhaps @Kabam Miike or Jax would like to comment on this?

    May I ask how 5 months after September 22nd is February 9th?

    Assume 1 month passes when you get from the 22nd of one month to the 22nd of the next. September to October is 1 month, etc… 5 months later is February 22nd. The day he will be added to the basic.

    In assuming a month is 4 weeks in your calculation, all months have 28 days only, which is clearly not true.

    Edit: apologies for anyone in the situation, i hope something comes for you to get a resolution. I’m not picking a side here, just want to straighten out the math
    The problems with doing it from specific date of a month to exact date of another month is that, for example 22nd September to 22nd February, is that those dates fall on different days of the week for one (September being the Thursday, February being a Wednesday), that some months depending on the day the start and end will have a differing amount of weeks per month (some months will have 5 weeks and some will only have 4) which means that even then Kabam will still come across an issue of a champ entering a basic before their featured is out if their statement of 4.5 - 5 months is their official stance, so it doesn’t solve their issue in the way they’d like to think.

    Having a month generally seen as 4 weeks makes a more consistent and measurable time frame for both the player and ultimately Kabam. If a featured crystal were to run every 16 weeks for example, they would know how many champs should be in the next featured crystal and when they should be in that crystal, and know that the day the crystal falls on will always be the exact same day of the week. We already have a schedule that a new champ ought to be released every 2 weeks usually, sometimes 3, if they changed it to be every 3 weeks that would fit exactly into their time frame of 4.5 months, being 18 weeks, and have the normal new 6 featured champs entering the crystal. Doing it on a month by month basis is honestly the worst possible way to look at it.
  • GiomeGiome Member Posts: 170 ★★

    ItsDamien said:

    "The ONLY reason I picked tech abyss nexuses was so I could get iDoom earlier than the featured when he gets added to the basic pool as projected based on the champ release schedule that has been in the game for MONTHS."

    I keep seeing this "I picked it because I wanted him before he was in featured" argument. You realize champs have never been supposed to be in basic pool before featured pool, right? Should that not have been a clue to people that something was wrong? There is a relatively normal schedule of when champs are put into the basic pool after the release, which I see as a lot of people's arguments for why this is wrong for Kabam to change that. But following that same logic, champs aren't supposed to be in basic pool before featured, so isn't it wrong for Kabam to not change that? Or is that one okay because it benefits you? Can't use logic only when it fits your side of the argument.

    That's the biggest problem I have with these complaints, is most people knowingly picked the nexus because they thought they'd get a champ before they were in the featured, which most should know that is not supposed to be how things work. Kabam is even giving us a better featured that we would have gotten before because of it. We are getting something out of it, even if it sucks for those that planned something else. But also, if you planned something according to expecting the game to not work the way it always has (champs in featured before basic) then IMO you shouldn't be complaining that Kabam makes sure the game does in fact work how it should.

    That all being said, I saw someone mention that they'd accept a way to trade their abyss nexus for a different class. I think that'd be a good middle ground - let people that really have a problem with this trade it in and let others that are fine with waiting, wait.

    Counter to your word vomit, Kabam also contradict themselves by stating champs are meant to be in the basic pool 4.5 - 5 months after their initial release. Well iDoom was released 22nd September. 26th January is 4.5 months (18 weeks) and 9th February is 5 months (20 weeks) both of which are still sooner than the 21st February they’ve now shifted to. Their own words do not follow the logic of “oh a champ shouldn’t be in a basic before their featured crystal” because timeframes are definitive.
    I literally discussed that Kabam has a relatively normal schedule for when champs are added to basic after being released. How are you going to counter my "word vomit" by bringing up something that I literally discussed in said vomit? This contradicts nothing I said - it's conflicting logic. The problem being people are only using the side of said conflicting logic that benefits them (champs should be released in x timeframe) and conveniently forgetting champs aren't supposed to be in basic before featured. Timeframes are also not definitive, by definition of the word time frame, it's not a definitive date. If they were definitive, the sites that project these dates wouldn't need to have a disclaimer that they are merely projections and not final dates.

    I'm not saying Kabam handled this perfectly. I'm also not saying no one has any reason to be upset. I'm saying the biggest reason people are upset is because they believed a projected date and are now asking for compensation/"Kabam to fix it" when Kabam did not ever give them said specific date. This community **** on Kabam enough, I'd like to see a little less crying on things that aren't fully in their control. But the internet is always going to be the internet, so I'm sure I'm wasting my time saying all of this.
    What do you mean with “things that aren’t fully in their control”? This is definitely not one of them. They have chosen to do this now knowing that people are saving nexus crystals for idoom so there is no unfairness in people complaining about it. This has nothing to do with “the internet being the internet”.
  • dano357dano357 Member Posts: 106
    Since the 1/31 date referenced for IDoom is likely coming Frontline I just want to add some context on this.

    First, it says in bold before the list this is a projection (based on following the champ release patterns). Until Kabam confirmed a bunch of basic pool release dates yesterday, we didn't have any guaranteed info.

    I want the info to be as accurate as possible, and for several years it's been really good, but over the summer we had a curveball.

    Basically, when there is a two week gap between champ releases, there is a two week gap between basic pool entry. However, if there is a three week gap between releases, there is a four week gap between basic pool entry. It has been this way for years.

    However, something got messed up with Hulkling, who was released three weeks after Wong, but went into the Basic Pool two weeks after Wong. This changed the entire release schedule going forward. This occurred on October 18, after the initial release of iDoom.

    At this point, I had to guess what they were doing with Titania, the next champ released three weeks after the previous champ. I put in a three week gap in the Basic Pool (which led to the 1/31 projection for iDoom), but that ended up being incorrect as she entered the basic pool two weeks after Quicksilver. So if Kabam hadn't done the adjustment yesterday, iDoom actually would have entered the Basic Pool 4 weeks early on January 24.

    So when Kabam says the intended release Basic Pool date for iDoom was February 21, that is correct based on the previous pattern before Hulkling through everything off.

    Every champ from Hulkling to Titania went into the Basic Pool earlier than intended. So we did get some really nice champs like Wiccan, Galan, Valkyrie and Quicksilver two weeks earlier than we otherwise would have.
  • VestasCureVestasCure Member Posts: 137 ★★
    Giome said:

    "The ONLY reason I picked tech abyss nexuses was so I could get iDoom earlier than the featured when he gets added to the basic pool as projected based on the champ release schedule that has been in the game for MONTHS."

    I keep seeing this "I picked it because I wanted him before he was in featured" argument. You realize champs have never been supposed to be in basic pool before featured pool, right? Should that not have been a clue to people that something was wrong? There is a relatively normal schedule of when champs are put into the basic pool after the release, which I see as a lot of people's arguments for why this is wrong for Kabam to change that. But following that same logic, champs aren't supposed to be in basic pool before featured, so isn't it wrong for Kabam to not change that? Or is that one okay because it benefits you? Can't use logic only when it fits your side of the argument.

    That's the biggest problem I have with these complaints, is most people knowingly picked the nexus because they thought they'd get a champ before they were in the featured, which most should know that is not supposed to be how things work. Kabam is even giving us a better featured that we would have gotten before because of it. We are getting something out of it, even if it sucks for those that planned something else. But also, if you planned something according to expecting the game to not work the way it always has (champs in featured before basic) then IMO you shouldn't be complaining that Kabam makes sure the game does in fact work how it should.

    That all being said, I saw someone mention that they'd accept a way to trade their abyss nexus for a different class. I think that'd be a good middle ground - let people that really have a problem with this trade it in and let others that are fine with waiting, wait.

    "The ONLY reason I picked tech abyss nexuses was so I could get iDoom earlier than the featured when he gets added to the basic pool as projected based on the champ release schedule that has been in the game for MONTHS."

    I keep seeing this "I picked it because I wanted him before he was in featured" argument. You realize champs have never been supposed to be in basic pool before featured pool, right? Should that not have been a clue to people that something was wrong? There is a relatively normal schedule of when champs are put into the basic pool after the release, which I see as a lot of people's arguments for why this is wrong for Kabam to change that. But following that same logic, champs aren't supposed to be in basic pool before featured, so isn't it wrong for Kabam to not change that? Or is that one okay because it benefits you? Can't use logic only when it fits your side of the argument.

    That's the biggest problem I have with these complaints, is most people knowingly picked the nexus because they thought they'd get a champ before they were in the featured, which most should know that is not supposed to be how things work. Kabam is even giving us a better featured that we would have gotten before because of it. We are getting something out of it, even if it sucks for those that planned something else. But also, if you planned something according to expecting the game to not work the way it always has (champs in featured before basic) then IMO you shouldn't be complaining that Kabam makes sure the game does in fact work how it should.

    That all being said, I saw someone mention that they'd accept a way to trade their abyss nexus for a different class. I think that'd be a good middle ground - let people that really have a problem with this trade it in and let others that are fine with waiting, wait.

    It was official announced with a in game email that 6* champions will enter the basic on the same time as 5* ( I posted a link in some previous comment that proves this), once again your argument that this is not a legitimate complaint is flawed. Even if it was unintended that 6* enters the basic before their featured crystal is out there was no way for players that bought the nexus to expect this change. I keep repeating myself but the issue here is simply the timing. Was it so urgent to implement this change now and disappoint part of the players? What would have changed if this was implemented only one month later?
    The fact that your argument is "Was it so urgent to implement this change now and disappoint part of the players? What would have changed if this was implemented only one month later?" shows that the problem lies less with Kabam and more with people's expectations. You don't care that this date is changing, you care that it's keeping you from getting iDoom sooner. If they had done it a month later, the exact same thing would have happened (champs getting pushed back) - and people that might have been holding crystals for something like mystic spidey or spot would have been disappointed. Would it have been less people than now? Probably, but no matter how you do it there is no winning for Kabam here, because yes, the internet is the internet.

    It's fairly obvious that they did this when they did as it coincides with the featured crystal coming out. As I've said before, it has always been the case that champs are not supposed to be in basic pool before featured, that fundamentally defeats the point of a featured crystal.

    I'm done with this argument. Because I am more on Kabam's side than the communities, I will not get any headway. People have their sides and that doesn't change. You're welcome to be upset about the change, I'm not happy about it either because I am holding tech nexuses. But I'm also not going to sit here and cry and expect "Kabam to fix it" because I had an expectation that a PROJECTED DATE FROM THE COMMUNITY was 100% certain to happen and then it didn't.
  • VestasCureVestasCure Member Posts: 137 ★★
    ItsDamien said:

    16wegnerk said:

    ItsDamien said:

    The thing that doesn’t make sense is that they say champs should be added to the basic pool every 4.5 - 5 months. Well 4.5 months is usually 18 weeks, which iDoom was released September 22nd, so January 26th is 18 weeks. Even 2 more weeks to make it 20, or 5 months, is February 9th. So perhaps @Kabam Miike or Jax would like to comment on this?

    May I ask how 5 months after September 22nd is February 9th?

    Assume 1 month passes when you get from the 22nd of one month to the 22nd of the next. September to October is 1 month, etc… 5 months later is February 22nd. The day he will be added to the basic.

    In assuming a month is 4 weeks in your calculation, all months have 28 days only, which is clearly not true.

    Edit: apologies for anyone in the situation, i hope something comes for you to get a resolution. I’m not picking a side here, just want to straighten out the math
    The problems with doing it from specific date of a month to exact date of another month is that, for example 22nd September to 22nd February, is that those dates fall on different days of the week for one (September being the Thursday, February being a Wednesday), that some months depending on the day the start and end will have a differing amount of weeks per month (some months will have 5 weeks and some will only have 4) which means that even then Kabam will still come across an issue of a champ entering a basic before their featured is out if their statement of 4.5 - 5 months is their official stance, so it doesn’t solve their issue in the way they’d like to think.

    Having a month generally seen as 4 weeks makes a more consistent and measurable time frame for both the player and ultimately Kabam. If a featured crystal were to run every 16 weeks for example, they would know how many champs should be in the next featured crystal and when they should be in that crystal, and know that the day the crystal falls on will always be the exact same day of the week. We already have a schedule that a new champ ought to be released every 2 weeks usually, sometimes 3, if they changed it to be every 3 weeks that would fit exactly into their time frame of 4.5 months, being 18 weeks, and have the normal new 6 featured champs entering the crystal. Doing it on a month by month basis is honestly the worst possible way to look at it.
    Everything you said is fairly logical and I don't disagree. But the fact of the matter is that's not how they do it, they did it on a true month basis. So you trying to use your logic as to how it should have been done doesn't really apply here. I.e. 4.5-5 months is exactly that, months. You trying to spin that into weeks to prove your point doesn't work. 5 months is still the intended time frame.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,212 ★★★★
    I think Kabam should put a Abyss Nexus Selector in the Store that you have to buy with your Tech Abyss Nexus, so the players that want to change it because of the date changes can, they dont have to do it but it will make people happier and It wont affect Kabam negatively.

    @Kabam Miike Is this a good idea?
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike Can I have a confirmation, by taking the nexus tech of abyss will infamous be added if we don't open it thank you? Because in the emails it’s not very clear
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 3,090 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023

    @Kabam Miike Can I have a confirmation, by taking the nexus tech of abyss will infamous be added if we don't open it thank you? Because in the emails it’s not very clear

    He joins the basic pool on 2/21 at 10am PST. Just wait to open it until then and you will have a shot at him.
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 544 ★★★

    @Kabam Miike Can I have a confirmation, by taking the nexus tech of abyss will infamous be added if we don't open it thank you? Because in the emails it’s not very clear

    He joins the basic pool on 2/21 at 10am PST. Just wait to open it until then and you will have a shot at him.
    Yes, I knew that, but they doubted me that it was changing in an email that it would not be added to the nexus tech even if I keep it
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 3,090 ★★★★★

    @Kabam Miike Can I have a confirmation, by taking the nexus tech of abyss will infamous be added if we don't open it thank you? Because in the emails it’s not very clear

    He joins the basic pool on 2/21 at 10am PST. Just wait to open it until then and you will have a shot at him.
    Yes, I knew that, but they doubted me that it was changing in an email that it would not be added to the nexus tech even if I keep it
    Jax or Miike, I forget which one, clarified in another post on the forums that the information that Kabam Support had given out saying that the nexus pool wouldn’t update with the basic pool was incorrect. It was corrected and stated clearly that the pool of available champs would be at the time of the nexus opening, not when the nexus is earned as support incorrectly stated. So whenever you open it, that’s the basic pool you can get champs from.
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