Banquet Rewards Mail Expiry date
Today, I've been back from a vacation on which I forgot to bring my phone along. My alliance ended the Banquet event with 5.3 million points. I opened the game inbox and saw no banquet rewards mail.
My trip started on Jan 6th and I don't know when the rewards got rolled out. And I 've been in my alliance all the time up till now.
I just watched some youtuber opening their banquet rewards. I just don't understand why big rewards like this have such a short duration of being claimable (1 or 2 days only if I'm being correct on what I saw).
Do you think I can contact support and ask for the missed rewards?
My trip started on Jan 6th and I don't know when the rewards got rolled out. And I 've been in my alliance all the time up till now.
I just watched some youtuber opening their banquet rewards. I just don't understand why big rewards like this have such a short duration of being claimable (1 or 2 days only if I'm being correct on what I saw).
Do you think I can contact support and ask for the missed rewards?
So looks like you missed them by a day.
You could try submitting a Support Ticket. If they can see you have regularly logged in every day BEFORE vacation, then nothing for 8 days, they might give them to you.
(if just a casual player who regularly skips logging in for days at a time, for those players I doubt they would give in)