Should I use suicides for chapter 6 completion?

IcepickisbackIcepickisback Member Posts: 33
edited January 2023 in Strategy and Tips
Currently about 2 months into this new account and I’ve been lucky to get a few good 6-star champs, most of who are very suicide friendly.
I finished 6.1 but want to make a push to be thronebreaker within a couple of months.

I’ve seen Mcoc noob used suicides for a lot of chapter 6 but then abandoned them later on. I haven’t upgraded my masteries much so far, but would like a good long term build. With suicides I could have a team of 6 stars kingpin (rank 2), Diablo awakened (rank 2 with a rank 3 mystic gem), Hercules, Knull, and ultron. But Hyperion, human torch and a few others wouldn’t be as usable.

What are your thoughts?

Should I use suicides for chapter 6 completion? 37 votes

Max out suicides, willpower, and coagulate
SpeedbumpNimorAomine_Daiki10Renaxqqericong77WinterFieldsDoctorWho44GiuliameijMasterzxProHelpingjaythekidwillrun4adonutLickyBoredDesperadoVegitto1987PowerOfACandleAxew 17 votes
Don’t unlock/upgrade suicides, but invest heavy in masteries
Grootman1294PikoluSonOfArgu16Soyheyor123Farrukh_tvVIniDorflexDragfire1760MrSakuragiAdjeriusDaBigGubGubSuperstar_1126stephen8992SlayinAliveA_FungiTHE_MISOJerichoharris 16 votes
Don’t bother any big mastery purchases at all
11MorvalRaoTatteredSailJefechutaMaxwell2454 4 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 785 ★★★★
    Max out suicides, willpower, and coagulate
    If you don't mind occasionally having to turn them off for a specific path, I think it's worth using suicides. Diablo and herc are very sustainable with them, and if you do arena often, you'll definitely want them on
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    Don’t bother any big mastery purchases at all
    Suicides are for the grindy ones and the whales mostly so I wouldnt even bother about it, I did completion with 5 stars without Suicides back then so I dont think you need them
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,308 Guardian
    Don’t unlock/upgrade suicides, but invest heavy in masteries
    While the damage increase is nice, it will really limit your roster which is almost essential to have a diverse roster for places in act 6 and 7. I've never needed suicides for story content, however I would recommend getting max willpower anyways and 1 point in coagulate.
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,075 ★★★★★
    Don’t unlock/upgrade suicides, but invest heavy in masteries
    Not needed, many of us never turned them on through 8.1
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,030 ★★★★
    Don’t unlock/upgrade suicides, but invest heavy in masteries
    I love throwing specials... so I am not a fan of running suicides. I play much better without them is what I have discovered.

    Suicided are also detrimental to you AW defense and not helpful towards BG matches.
  • K00shMaanK00shMaan Member Posts: 1,289 ★★★★
    edited January 2023
    Suicides are for Arena. They deliver an incredible improvement on your rewards per time spent participating in that game mode. For every other game mode, it's basically a wash. Some champs are better, some end up being similarly as useful, and others are negatively impacted. I have them basically permanently active because of Arena although would likely prefer them off for most game modes. They aren't very hard to play around when WillPower is active especially if you add an extra point or two into Coagulate. It's important to note that using Red/Orange/Green Boosts cause them to do more damage to you so you can basically get most of their benefit by just using boosts and not having them active for that specific content.
  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023
    Max out suicides, willpower, and coagulate
    I personally explored 8.1 and so far reached gladiator circut in all BG seasons. I like champs that benefit from suicide masteries. I wasn't running suicides since 2015 but last summer decided to rank up Hercules to R4 and unlock them. Damage is just amazing. Anyway whenever you want you can turn them off.
  • djquudjquu Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2023
    I have a new-ish second account and didn't even consider going past 5.3.1 without suicides, I run them all the time on my main acct. Your roster, by accident or by design, is well suited for suicides. It takes a whole bunch of units though, make sure you have enough before you starting unlocking them.
  • jaythekidjaythekid Member Posts: 53
    Max out suicides, willpower, and coagulate
    I would go suicides. Will power first and if u want to stop at willpower that's ok but get willpower
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