In threat 4, I got the solo with Hercules. In threat 5, If I can't get the solo with a cosmic or science team, I am planning to go back with AV using scorpion and kraven synergy. Forget intercepting, just let the stacks of bleed and incinerate kill QS.
Not even wasting my time with this side quests objectives. Only doing it for the quest rewards and thats it.
I didnt even read what we need to do (from reading this thread i assume is complete with a science or cosmic team). Once i saw the relic stuff for rewards, i kept it moving 😭
Im not repeating any paths for this solo. In cosmic run, I died with hulkling. Sub 9 minute solo EeeeeZeeee
I used Elsa. Did it on the first try. Just a suggestion.
Thanks. I didn't want to run the quest three times. First run was only cosmics in objectives. I took a 10 whiplash detonate on hulkling that costed me the attempt... I have a r4 herc, could have soloed it, but i dont bring him everywhere. (Too much herc and doom makes you noob. Lol thats just my theory. (Ignore))
Second run was only using science. So took it slow and with willpower healing did it. QS is a lot defensive. He dash backs a lot. Don't play into light intercepts. But it's done. Onto next week!!!
Im not repeating any paths for this solo.
In cosmic run, I died with hulkling.
Sub 9 minute solo EeeeeZeeee
I didnt even read what we need to do (from reading this thread i assume is complete with a science or cosmic team). Once i saw the relic stuff for rewards, i kept it moving 😭
First run was only cosmics in objectives.
I took a 10 whiplash detonate on hulkling that costed me the attempt... I have a r4 herc, could have soloed it, but i dont bring him everywhere.
(Too much herc and doom makes you noob. Lol thats just my theory. (Ignore))
Second run was only using science.
So took it slow and with willpower healing did it.
QS is a lot defensive. He dash backs a lot. Don't play into light intercepts. But it's done.
Onto next week!!!