Thanos is dishonest

To begin with, I adore what we, the players, began to see in Acts 7 and 8 - and these are logical and honest bosses that need an approach, but after dying a couple of times, you will feel calm against them, but at the same time, having played the game for so long, I can clearly see when the boss is made just to pump resurrections and healing out of you, and now I'm talking about Thanos in the Summer of Pain.
I have no complaints about phases 1 and 2, they are moderately complex and generally interesting, but when it comes to the cherished 30%, hell begins, and especially when you die in this phase.
The biggest problem is some kind of specially made passive AI that generally lives its own life. The second problem - after Thanos' 3rd special attack - you find yourself at the very corner and here the game "Die or die" begins. Well, the most insignificant problem that can be justified by the lack of, for example, high damage is the too small window for causing damage, which significantly complicates even the banal throwing of resurrections.
Although I know that this will not give anything, but I would like to ask for an indulgence - after Thanos' 3rd special attack, we will find ourselves in the middle of the arena.
it would make the fight many times easier and I would even say that it would make it fair.
Thanks to everyone who read!
I have no complaints about phases 1 and 2, they are moderately complex and generally interesting, but when it comes to the cherished 30%, hell begins, and especially when you die in this phase.
The biggest problem is some kind of specially made passive AI that generally lives its own life. The second problem - after Thanos' 3rd special attack - you find yourself at the very corner and here the game "Die or die" begins. Well, the most insignificant problem that can be justified by the lack of, for example, high damage is the too small window for causing damage, which significantly complicates even the banal throwing of resurrections.
Although I know that this will not give anything, but I would like to ask for an indulgence - after Thanos' 3rd special attack, we will find ourselves in the middle of the arena.
it would make the fight many times easier and I would even say that it would make it fair.
Thanks to everyone who read!