Relics = Masteries 2.0?

Relics = Masteries 2.0? 50 votes
Yes, and they are customized to each champ, so you don't need different loadouts (per our requests)
Yes, and they are infinitely able to scale over time (rarities) and are monetizable (per Kabam request)
Masteries have become the biggest waste of time in the game for me. Where’s Masteries 2.0??? Dorky Dave interview from 4 years ago said a Masteries update was coming. Where they at???
If they scrapped the dumb masteries, tweaked the class masteries to be as useful as MD, made the useful foundational ones part of every champ's kit, and called it 1.5, it would be a start.
Fully ranked 5*/6* Relics that: match YOUR favorite champ and significantly enhance their SPECIFIC abilities, will have an impact.
Masteries are only different, in that they improve stats across the board (IF your champ happens to benefit: deep wounds, mystic dispersion).
They are still stat boosters.
Relics are stat boosters, too. It is just hard to see, because Kabam is starting small.
I think Masteries 2.0 will be "coming soon" until the game dies.
I think Relics are the new, improved, highly monetizable "mastery" system.
I don't want Masteries 2.0 to be Relics.