Heavy and Special Attacks Wiffing After First Hit Connects
Member Posts: 120 ★★
Recently, with both me and the defender, they’ll connect with the first hit of the heavy or special attack then the next hit will wiff and it allows me or the defender to block the rest of the heavy or special. This has happened to me several times with and against several different champions and has both helped and hurt me. Just now it happened with tigra’s heavy against magneto in arena but this has happened to me several times in bgs and quests and even in war.
Like after a single hit or two, instead of after a normal combo finishing 4th Light or 2nd Medium ?
The pushback after some early hits (on some champs) might push opponent back too far and it would mess up a subsequent Heavy or SP attack.
If you could detail which champ, and against who ?
And after what hits beforehand ? (Going into which hit afterwards, heavy or SP 1/2 ?)
Also, what mode ? Against real opponents like BG, War, Arena (with masteries that could be reducing stun duration), or against non-mastery modes like AQ and monthly events or Act's.