Best champion nickname?

My son saw me playing with Warlock and asked if that was Techno Groot. I now refer to Warlock as Techno Groot.
Anyone else use a champion nickname?
Anyone else use a champion nickname?
Dr. Zola
Doc Strange = Glitter Fairy
Juggernaut = Pound Town
The rest are reserved for champions I still suck playing against and are not safe for public consumption.
Silver derpy iron man
Black widow deodorant
For some reason he calls zemo Barnacle boy
Mangog is eggnog
Vision Aarkus? nah, Megamind
M.O.D.O.K?? nah, big o'le head guy
Winter Soldier? nah, Punching bag
Sentinel? nah, that tall robot
Heimdall? nah, Synergy champ
Rintrah? nah, Cow
Morning star? nah, dead Purgatory
Sauron? nah, dinosaur
Sasquatch? nah, Big foot
Ebony Maw? nah, squidward
The list goes on
sassy- sasquatch
Ms. thighs-america chaves
White Widow, Deodorant
Tiatania - cant the word else I'll be ban from here
Tits for Titania
Sassy for Sasquatch
Dino for Sauron
Red Mags for Magneto, kinda reminds of condoms
Bzzz for Electro
Polkadot for Spot
Night Monkey for SM Stealth Suit
Annoying **** for Kitty Pryde
Peter Pig for Spider Ham
Mole God for Mole Man
Child Kidnapper for Gorr
Big Daddy for CGR
Lucky Pants for Longshot
Colugernaut (U. Colossus)
Pig (Spiderham)
Beard (CapIW)
Shake Shake (Quake)
Chinese (Shang Chi)
Devil (Mephisto)
Archer (Hawkeye)
Cow (Rintrah)
Blindude (Daredevil)
Priest (Masacre)
Squidward (Ebony Maw)
These are all i remember lol some had to be translated from my original language (portuguese)
Cow is always funny to me lol
Walmart Aquaman (Namor)
Black Pirate (Fury)
Robot Chicken (Darkhawk)