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Best MCOC Youtuber?



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    FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Posts: 1,817 ★★★★
    Searmenis said:

    The good thing is that each youtuber has a "speciality" of some sort and style, and you can choose among it's group what suits you better.

    That being said, a few more generic points:

    - I never watch war or live content, and unfortunately many of them do this more often and don't create "original" content anymore, with the exception of crystal openings.

    - Seatin's FtP new account "challenge" was very fun to watch, and reminded me how much I missed the guy.

    -I instantly unsubscribe from a channel, when they start a series of something, like, let s say masteries advice, and they do one or two videos and drop the idea altogether because they don't have the likes they expected. (lefty knox)

    -I also hate when they don't make the little research they should be doing, and upload videos with misinformation (prof hoff, who s also a journalist lol )

    Yeah, I totally agree, especially with point number 1. All the Youtubers do basically the same stuff when it comes to war, and it gets repetitive quickly
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    DaddyLongLegs personally. solid content, a good insight into the way the game works and now how Kabam works. reliable content with a solid community.
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    Vergeman78Vergeman78 Posts: 132 ★★
    Killer Beezy
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    GhostFace2022GhostFace2022 Posts: 168
    Mine is BitterSteel
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    WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Posts: 323 ★★★
    Mcoc Noob's guides have gotten me act 6, 7, 8 and monthly eq.
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    MrOmegaBeastMrOmegaBeast Posts: 34
    Slayer Of Gods
    Slayer was one of the people that inspired me to begin posting videos in the first place. Love his work and his community
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    MDxMDx Posts: 91
    Don't know how this many ppl think seatin as the best mcoc youtuber
    Man just comes in buys crystals put up a video and then gone for a year . I know recently he tried to return but still nothing new/informative about the game anymore .meanwhile a lot of these other youtubers actually put in work/ideas in their videos .
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    FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Posts: 1,817 ★★★★
    MDx said:

    Don't know how this many ppl think seatin as the best mcoc youtuber
    Man just comes in buys crystals put up a video and then gone for a year . I know recently he tried to return but still nothing new/informative about the game anymore .meanwhile a lot of these other youtubers actually put in work/ideas in their videos .

    Seatin was the first MCOC youtuber that many people viewed, and helped lots of plauers progress in the early days. Their is also almost certainly a nostalgia factor present, and for good reason. He puts a lot of time and effort into his content, and put stuff out all the time for the community in the early days.
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    Gentry2099Gentry2099 Posts: 244 ★★
    Personally, it’s Lizer.
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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,577 ★★★★★
    Jason Voorhees MCOC
    Not nearly enough votes for this guy.
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    AmbjonyAmbjony Posts: 201 ★★
    Mcob Noob is a professional. His infographics are great and are helping many players clearing content, including me. Couple of years ago I would have said Seatin as he was fun and entertaining. But now, Mcoc Noob offers you a lot of options and one always suits your roster. He does every path. The hell of a job. He is the most useful in mu opinion.
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    The_1140The_1140 Posts: 46
    I enjoy lagacys content the most but if contest champion upload videos more then it'd probs be him
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    Gentry2099Gentry2099 Posts: 244 ★★
    Also, the best MCOC YouTuber everyones opinion. There is no best MCOC YouTuber.
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    bigger_daddybigger_daddy Posts: 9
    Dude just makes some fun, short videos.
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    Unknown_playerUnknown_player Posts: 15
    Seatin is still the GOAT. Respect the elders.
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    DL864DL864 Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Seatin hardly post content anymore. I use to love his videos.
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    darkMeliodasdarkMeliodas Posts: 38
    Where the hell are pepe or kurt?
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    AmazingalfAmazingalf Posts: 10
    Everyone sleeping on super gaming family smh
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    Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Posts: 886 ★★★
    Brian grant def the most entertaining to me.....his latest video was an awesome trip to nostalgia town lol...
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    FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Posts: 1,817 ★★★★

    Also, the best MCOC YouTuber everyones opinion. There is no best MCOC YouTuber.

    Yeah, this is exactly what this post is about. Just an inquiry into other people's opinions.
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    Gentry2099Gentry2099 Posts: 244 ★★
    MrOmegaBeast or Deadtron are nice YouTubers. Love watching their account challenges over and over again.
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    Warlord_615Warlord_615 Posts: 14
    It gotta be Proff Hoff lol 😂💀
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    Hawkcrew2000Hawkcrew2000 Posts: 150
    I really like Vega. Karatemike as well
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