EQ logic?

Who were we supposed to use for this fight?

Like obviously there's people who can fight electro, but none of the ones I can think of are going to stack debuffs on him.

Like obviously there's people who can fight electro, but none of the ones I can think of are going to stack debuffs on him.
What I am noticing with this EQ is that every single quest has defenders that are just stupid to have there. Why am I on a path in the cosmic quest with Annihilus? Why aren’t they in the mystic quest? Why isn’t Absorbing Man, a new and tough to beat champ if you’re not familiar with him, not in the science quest where players can both bring a good counter and benefit from the nodes? And why in the world is mystic always at the end? Consistently the mystic is always the worst quest with the worst nodes and it is constantly one of the last quests. Either give better nodes so it isn’t a horrible slog or put it in an earlier quest.
EQ after EQ it is consistently clear that these maps are put together by individuals that either don’t understand the game or simply don’t care. It’s doable, but the annoying things that make it take longer for no reason are frustrating.
Just because the map benefits science champs doesn’t mean you have to use only science champs.
Void stacks debuffs. Scorpion does, too, and he has shock immunity. Havok double mediums can also do it.
I'm going to get through it with a revive, the problem is that is a really crappy place for him to be.
If a champ is shock immune, they should not take passive damage from electro. That's all I have to say about that.
But that took some time and parries.
@Khellendros138 I don’t know if you have her, but I used Black Cat with Domino synergy, to shut him down with AAR and stack a ton of debuffs. I would estimate that Falcon shuts down both his passive damage and the node but I didn’t have to try him. Good luck.
PS: Wait for the Korg and Champion duo on Biohazard, in 1.2.
For Korg in 1.2 just bring wags pre fight. 3 star works