Ascension....Myth or Reality

Its been eerily quiet on the Ascension front. Are Kabam sending this the way of bases, or are we actually going to see/hear some more information on this before the 7* release.
Depending on how effective Ascension is, people might choose to hold off on the 7*, so having good information early on helps people make good decisions.
Depending on how effective Ascension is, people might choose to hold off on the 7*, so having good information early on helps people make good decisions.
We haven't said anything more on the topic, the same way we haven't had anything to say on the topic of 7*s.
That information will become available with time.
What we will get is a new (improved power gain...? ) mechanic on 7*, plus most probably increased ISO & gold when duping them, to give us the incentive to go after them and open 7* crystals, even with the limited pool on their release. On a separate thread on Gold and ISO, we have been promised that these issues will be addressed on the release of 7* (or something vague, as always, around those lines), which confirms the above.
I will be VERY happy to be proven wrong, come Spring.
Do you see my point about earlier information being required though, as arming Summoners with information in good time will inform them as to whether they focus precious rank up resources into 5 and 6 stars (If Ascension is delivered well) or holding onto precious resources to focus on 7 stars if Ascension is delivered poorly.