What's the deal with all the emote hate?

They're not detrimental to the game at all. This is because you can turn them off. I see a lot of people saying that emotes are useless, but that's just wrong. If emotes are introduced later down the line as rewards for Battlegrounds, it gives summoners motivation to push harder. If you get rinsed in a bgs match, expect to get dunked on with an emote. And if you don't want to see them, just turn them off. I turn them off sometimes, just because I'm salty.
The point is, the hate they're getting isn't really deserved.
The point is, the hate they're getting isn't really deserved.
People do not like change and will actively resist change.
When there are a lot of things that need changing, changing things that don’t need changing can make people angry.
Dr. Zola
Emotes are a perfect example. If you don't like emotes, you can mute the other player. And you could ask Kabam to make it a global setting so that you never see them. Or to redesign how they look. Or whatever.
Instead you have people freaking out about how much they hate these stupid things that Kabam is forcing them to use while not fixing bugs and buffing the wrong champs and other irrelevant points. Emotes have ruined their life and they demand action. Kabam sucks. Yadda yadda yadda...
Which is a silly, immature way to deal with change. But that's where we're at.
It is not as black and white as you portray.
Bug??????...nah, couldn't be
But the main TDLR is, Kabam just need to add an option to turn Emotes off from the main setting, so players that doesn't want it don't have to mute in every matches.
Maybe the hate isn't the emotes... but that things like Input issues, lag, bugged champs, bugged nodes, ect., are still a big issue in the game.... but Kabam thought that instead of adding resources to address those, they would spend the money adding resources on adding emotes....
the money they spent having a team design and implement the emotes, could have been spent with say having a team of testers....
People love to complain about everything even when they receive compensation
I think a global emotes setting would be the best solution. I'm not particularly keen myself but if some people like emotes and want them, then as long as I've got a way to turn them off I don't care.
However IMO players would be lot more appreciative of the move if the game at large would be offering a smooth & satisfactory player experience
There are a LOT of small tweaks that players have been asking for years
Ignoring all of that while putting valuable time & resources (which Kabam always claims to be a bottleneck for them) in something that absolutely nobody wanted & isn't actually relevant in enhancing the player experience is bound to ruffle some feathers
Very often we see the excuse of "not having enough time & resources" being thrown around to justify inactions.....not only for major things but also for minor improvements
A lot of players are already discontent with the whole Relics situation......This emotes thing, though much more insignificant, still appears to be another step in the same direction
People aren't hating on "emotes", they are hating on Kabam's "priorities"
I can see for both sides.
Personally, I'm upset there's no dabbing Goldpool emote.
That emote would've been S tier along with "Master of Puppets" from Fortnite (big metalhead btw) and "You are Number One" from DB Legends.
Input issues. Matchmaking is horrible. Hmmm...let's slap some lipstick on this pig.