Spidey Supreme HP + BP Concern

RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
The stats are too low. I totally understand that you’re meant to play him when he’s invisible, and that you ‘should’ be penalized for not maintaining it, but the stats are ridiculously low. There should be some margin for error, but in this case there isn’t.

His health pool is 28k for a 6-star R3. On average, you will find that R3s have about 36k health. That’s 30% lower than an average R3.

Perhaps even more concerning is the following, the block proficiency, which is set to 55%!

Now, I understand that SS is a glass cannon, but when you compare him to another one, Hit Monkey, you will notice the following:

1) SS has 10% less health than HM
2) SS has 10% less attack than HM
3) SS has 15% less critical damage rating than HN
4) SS has the same block proficiency as Hit Monkey

I would agree with the stats, if SS was a glass cannon in all matchups, or if he could take advantage of regen in every fight.

But the fact of the matter is, is that the AI is weird, and dropped inputs are still a thing, so the bare minimum needs to be maintained for vanilla matchups! You can’t set the bar lower!

There were concerns from the deep dive that the damage was too low, and you (Kabam) came out saying he’s perfectly balanced. But he’s not. Damage isn’t everything, you need to look at sustainability as well.


  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 1,028 ★★★★
    edited February 2023
    The first time I had a look through Spider-Man Supreme's kit I thought 'he's a nice support champion'. Perhaps unfair but that was my initial reading, going through his synergies.

    He is a glass cannon to be sure, but most of the Spiders in the game are. But his stats do seem curiously on the low side - unless there's something we are missing.
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,615 ★★★★★
    edited February 2023

    Damn didn't know that as someone who really enjoys r3 Spider supreme and might r4 him today. His dmg isn't THAT good anyway tho its pretty nice.
    U know what I think he should get? "While blessing of the Astral form is active, inflict infuriate passive on the opponent, making them more aggressive" cuz like u said the ai is weird and u really want to intercept a lot WHILE Astral form is active so just intercept won't do, so I think he could greatly benefit from it, as it is it just prolongs the fight vs say RoL
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    There’s some r3s that have bad health
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  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★

    R3 Wiccan also got 28k health + 3100 something attack

    Bro, he has resistance and regeneration on demand. SS doesn’t which I mentioned above.
  • AmaadAkiraAmaadAkira Member Posts: 392 ★★★
    I agree. Been playing with him and watching him in BG matchups and it's a little counterintuitive at times.

    On one hand, if you play him perfectly with intercepts and are invisible most the time, it's a great kit. But on the other hand, if you're fighting champions that have specials that can't be dexed, you're taking 1/5th of your hp each fight depending on how fast you can kill them (so sometimes more).
  • AmaadAkiraAmaadAkira Member Posts: 392 ★★★
    edited February 2023

    Every spider is pretty much a glass cannon, peni has her shield but once it's down her bp sucks.
    You could argue s2099 is tanky with his resistance ups if you spam sp1 but he also has barely any health

    True. But at least starky/stealthy can do 200k in 5 basic combos. I wouldn't call spidey supreme a glass cannon, he's more utility based (similar to 2099) which is why it's weird Kabam is so pressed on making his BP and HP super low.
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  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,582 ★★★★★
    Ever checked mojo and i Hulk healthpools and compared them to wasp or spider verse champs? I hate speaking about it but when it's being talked about rn, it's a matter of concern game devs shall look into
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