Who is the most VERSATILE attacker in your opinions?

Outside of Hercules (naturally), who is the most versatile attacker that can handle the highest combination of nodes in story/aw/bg metas etc. while also having good survivability/healing/defensive abilities, in your opinion? And I mean, PURELY for attack with NO synergies involved.
I've been thinking about this for a while and I've been leaning towards Kingpin.
I've been thinking about this for a while and I've been leaning towards Kingpin.
For the largest amount of nodes, I'd say anyone who is bleed and poison immune and doesn't rely on parry is going to cover the most.
Incinerate immune (and others with synergies though the op said no synergies).
Easy access to power drain. Easy Long armor break. Armor up. Decent damage with sp2.
Though KP, Kitty, ghost, quake, Angela and Shang Chi are objectively much better and versatile.
If there's a quest that I have 0 knowledge of the champions inside or the nodes, I would 100% take Herc over Quake as he can do most fights that are supposed to counter him too.
Kitty is a great shout, however.
And then there is Quake.
He comes in so clutch and a lot of people in BGS underrate him in my draft. He’s not necessarily the fastest but can easily come out of a 60 second fight with full health.
Sig 200 Thing. SlowAF but EffectiveAF
He has carried me through act 4 to 8
And almost every single EQ and SQs
Even in BGs, hes not bad.
Hercules has it all, no wonder he's widely considered best champ overall in the game.
Kitty - extremely versatile and skilled champ.
Kingpin - is possible my favorite as of late, has been able to handle any meta kabam had thrown at us.
Apoc - extremely useful with 4 charges
Tigra - ruptures for days and skilled champ