Another bug, what a shock!

Captain_SpasmCaptain_Spasm Member Posts: 89 ★★
edited February 2023 in Bugs and Known Issues

Is Apoc’s SP3 bugged AGAIN?

I had 7 furies from the Juke node, so explain to me how his SP3 did absolutely no damage when this is another node on the defender!?! Stop giving us useless stuff like relics and emotes and fix the abundance of issues that have been plaguing the game for way too long.
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on


  • Captain_SpasmCaptain_Spasm Member Posts: 89 ★★
    There’s no way that’s true. Almost every special ever thrown is chained off a basic attack.
  • Captain_SpasmCaptain_Spasm Member Posts: 89 ★★
    Even worse if it’s a known bug that’s counting specials as basics. That’s just proving that Kabam are exploiting it by putting in that node.
  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 669 ★★★
    I know that its a bug but why still using sp 3 if is bugged, only throw sp 1 and sp 2, this work for me or maybe you just want complain about kabam wasting time making new things and dont fixing the bugs.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    It's cause you chained it off a basic attack so it deals 0 damage. You have to delay a moment before you throw it off or it will count as a basic

    That is never how power shield has worked.
    It's a bug.
  • Captain_SpasmCaptain_Spasm Member Posts: 89 ★★
    JhonST33 said:

    I know that its a bug but why still using sp 3 if is bugged, only throw sp 1 and sp 2, this work for me or maybe you just want complain about kabam wasting time making new things and dont fixing the bugs.

    I knew nothing about this bug. A better question is why are Kabam putting nodes like this on if they do know about the bug? No, it doesn’t say you have to use SP3, but it’s still exploiting a bug if the biggest attack from most champs deals zero damage.
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