Suggestion for the game

I was turning over this idea in my mind as a suggestion. What if there was a game mode where you could trade a member of your alliance a champion of a specific number of stars/rank for a champion of equal stars/rank?
A 6* for a 6*, 5* for a 5*, a 4* for a 4* etc.
This was an idea because my alliance mates like champions I have, and they have champions I like as well. It could cost a specific amount of units and gold for a one-time use until the required amount of units were achieved as well as gold. Instead of letting some champions collect dust in an alliance member’s roster, the champion could be enjoyed and used in the other member’s roster. I have a roster of over 60 6* champions, but my alliance mate has the champion I’ve wanted as a 6*, and he doesn’t use it much. Thank you for being respectful and considering it. It’s okay if the idea isn’t accepted. No worries.
A 6* for a 6*, 5* for a 5*, a 4* for a 4* etc.
This was an idea because my alliance mates like champions I have, and they have champions I like as well. It could cost a specific amount of units and gold for a one-time use until the required amount of units were achieved as well as gold. Instead of letting some champions collect dust in an alliance member’s roster, the champion could be enjoyed and used in the other member’s roster. I have a roster of over 60 6* champions, but my alliance mate has the champion I’ve wanted as a 6*, and he doesn’t use it much. Thank you for being respectful and considering it. It’s okay if the idea isn’t accepted. No worries.
This would turn into a “real-world” Black Market for Selling champs for real money. (You'd technically call it Trading, but in reality would end up with it being Selling).
And based on how Gifting in prior years had turned into illegal money scams as well (as the illegal or scammed, or credit card fraud, etc, source of the funds used to purchase Units in game on their alternate accounts and then turn around and Gift their main accounts all the good stuff). That would also end up being a secondary problem with trading champs too.
The idea of a trading system would only be ripe for abuse and what guarantees do you have that the minute you don't make the trade, your buddy doesn't immediately leave the alliance or get booted?
So then what happens to the trade then? Because it sounds like he gets to keep your champ and you're stuck with his.
We once had a permanent year-round gifting badge with Tony Stark's briefcase which allowed us to gift very useful items to teammates in Alliance events but it got abused to the point that it had to be taken away.
The gifting event is another prime example where it had a genuine intention for players to have a great time during the holidays and between the score wars, the credit card fraud, and the mercenaries, they had to get rid and as awesome as the Banquet was this past December, there's no guarantee that we'll ever have that again. You add all that up and you can understand where a lot of people are coming from when we say that being able to trade champions, even if it was a temporary loan, is setting up an unprecedented recipe for disaster.