Is there a chance we could see a Vision buff this year?

Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★
edited February 2023 in Suggestions and Requests
Hey Kabam,

I'm sure this topic has probably come up already but I'd like to bring it to the table again. Can you guys look into buffing Age of Ultron Vision & OG Vision? There's so much potential with these two champs. You could have density control (huge physical resistant buff), Miss, Tech interface (ability reduction for the entire tech class & damaging "circuit overcharge" debuffs) "Untouchable" mechanics ect.

It would be nice if both of these champs had updated animations but at the very least, it would be nice to see them be far more useful than they are now. If you guys need suggestions on what the community would like to see, why not hold a survey. I think you guys could get great ideas if you guys gave us a chance to give our input.


  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★
    If we were to get Viv (Vision's daughter) in the contest, would Vision become obsolete? As it is, we already have 2 versions that require an update.

    I just hope OG Vision/ AOU Vision don't get pushed aside if Viv joins the contest because it would suck to see the all these cool abilities in Viv but both Vision remaining next to useless.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    Yeah, Vision has been one of the most OG champs in the entire game, and he also has 2 versions, which are basically the same. If Kabam even buffs one, it would help differentiate them, but buffing both would remove the possibility of one version becoming even more obsolete as the other one with the buff takes the spotlight. It would be fun if both had seperate kits and abilities, maybe one can be intended as an attacker, while the other one excels in defense
  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★
    How cool would it be if Age of Ultron Vision had his SP3 changed to something like this.

  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    I once made a post about buffing him with an example buff info. It included unstoppable,miss, and big damage with the mind stone
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,069 Guardian
    Vision is awesome as is, he just needs something to amp up his damage (to be honest).
  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★

    Vision is awesome as is, he just needs something to amp up his damage (to be honest).

    I disagree. He is extremely basic and none of his in comic abilities play a role in his gameplay. He should have the "untouchable" mechanic at the very least.
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