Legends run and maintenance

I saw the legends run deadline was November 15th. Is there a specific time on the 15th they cut off scores?
Does this mean heroic and master must be done before 1am on Nov 15th or before 1am the morning of Nov 16th?
Like can you finish by 11:59 pm EST on November 15th and still have it count towards legends title?
Also I saw they have war servers down tonight at 7:15 PST. Will the entire game be down at that time?
If yes, do they have estimated downtime?
Another post kabam said downtime didn’t count towards legends time. Is this just for emergency maintenance or scheduled maintenance?
I’d like to run tonight but not sure on these details. Please help.
Does this mean heroic and master must be done before 1am on Nov 15th or before 1am the morning of Nov 16th?
Like can you finish by 11:59 pm EST on November 15th and still have it count towards legends title?
Also I saw they have war servers down tonight at 7:15 PST. Will the entire game be down at that time?
If yes, do they have estimated downtime?
Another post kabam said downtime didn’t count towards legends time. Is this just for emergency maintenance or scheduled maintenance?
I’d like to run tonight but not sure on these details. Please help.
Read the Event Quest Announcement. It states clearly that “Summoners trying for Legends need to complete it within 2 weeks of the event being live.”
So when did the event go live? Add 2 weeks to that. There, you got your cutoff date and time.
Piece of advice, don’t procrastinate till the cutoff date.