Is this a glitch or I'm really going crazy

I'm pretty sure I took the Gambit path and cleared the sabretooth lane, so how come the lanes have switched. I took the Gambit path and it connected me to the sabretooth path, but why is now the Gambit path different. Plus it shows that I have cleared the path.
You did it wrong prior to the fix, so you'll have to do an extra path either way
You picked the choice that was (and still is) also the point that going DOWN initially from start also goes to.
They removed that 2nd choice from Gambit.
Leaving the other (and still) choice from Gambit (the one that you did NOT do originally) as still not done by you.
You have to go Gambit again to jump to the Gambit segment that you have not done yet.
And you have to go DOWN (to cover that single link from the start) which afterwards will lead you to the segment that you indeed did do originally (but you need the 1 step to bottom in order to eventually get 100%).