About Magik
Member Posts: 1,241 ★★★★
Just got absolutely rinsed by a magik in cav eq. I totally get why she hasn't been released as a 6* yet. But, couldn't kabam add a restriction to triggering magik's limbo; like that of doom's aura (slow and petrify) and tigra's unblockable (weakness, slow or exhaustion). This would just make sense imo. Reinforces the class dynamic and also move's away from fun and interactive dmg. This may have been brought up before but what are your thoughts on it?
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
I think that's a fair limit that allows for some legit counters to her fun and interactive damage without making the champion suddenly bad to play with.
I don't think it is really OP, and Magik is a kinda simple character already, so taking away one of her few abilities or limiting it seems needless.
As a side note, I hate that Kabam is not more clear on certain abilities, such as Magik's sig.
"...chances are multiplied by 99.96%." literally means that a 10% chance of an ability triggering would get multiplied by .9996, which would actually decrease the likelihood of the ability triggering ( .10 x .9996 = .09996 or 9.996%). There are a ton of interactions and underlying game mechanics that could be better described and would make more sense to the average gamer. (I'm glad that they finally stated in-game that armor breaks count as nullification, but that is another example of a known mechanic that wasn't directly alluded to or easily intuitive to new players.)
Maybe DNA can just have a podcast where the mysteries of MCOC math are explained for the whole community or something. Or, Kabam could include the intent behind certain ability descriptions as to improve player comprehension.
And both are solid champs anyway. Not the best, but certainly useable.
There are a number of ways to deal with limbo such as AAR either from neurotoxins or just masteries that reduce it on parry stuns, simple regeneration, power control (Magik is one of the best Magik counters ironically), phasing during it like with Ghost/Kitty, keeping her at lower bars of power so it has a lower chance to proc, using champs that have high energy resistance as it is energy damage, champs that have an immortality mechanic, the list goes on.
I don't see why one of her limited mechanics should be changed. She isn't complicated and there are a wide variety of ways to deal with her, and while nobody is "immune", I don't think there needs to be anyone.
As a side note, I really hate how her sig reads: "Magik has a 25% chance to enter a state of Limbo...... Based on current Signature Level, chances are multiplied by {2-99.96}%." There are also several other instances (and I somehow can't remember the others off the top of my head) where Kabam does a similar thing. If a 25% chance to trigger is being multiplied by 2%, that would make it a (.25 x .02 = .005) .5% chance of triggering, and only with max sig could you get close to the original stated 25% chance. I guess this would make some sense, except that clearly Kabam means that (by the wording of an additional 12.5% chance being added to the OG 25% chance) with max sig, Magik should at 1 bar of power be able to have ~50% chance to trigger (which would be adding an additional ~100% to the 25% chance, not multiplying it by ~100%, which is literally 1).
Now DNA is welcome to come in and explain all of the actual math behind the scenes and why things are done the way that they are, and I'd be glad to learn, but this just has never made sense to me. Am I reading it wrong? or are all of my math professors currently spinning in their urns?
But as we are in the game now, I'd say that there's already enough people who can counter Magik to a greater or lesser extent.
Blade, sure. But any AAR champion will work - practically half the Skill class can reduce the chance of Limbo proccing by at least half (Black Widow, Black Widow Deadly Origin, Daredevil HK, Elektra, Black Cat, Black Panther, Crossbones, Falcon, Gwenpool, Hit Monkey, Karnak, Kingpin, Masacre, Ronin, Taskmaster). Non-skill options would include Archangel, Domino, and Joe Fixit.
If you can't reduce her Ability accuracy, you can reduce her combat Power with Punisher-2099, Psylocke, Darkhawk, Dormammu, Quake or Mr Fantastic.
Or you could just tank the damage with Ghulk, Namor, or anyone with high Energy resistance - Bishop, Havok, Yellowjacket, Mordo, Awakened Guardian, and War Machine with prefight can fight Magik and barely register the Limbo damage.
Even just counting through the champs I've named, that's 34 champions who can substantially reduce the frequency that Limbo will happen, or the damage it'll do to them.
So to be honest, I don't think that she needs to be given a new weakness. And I think if she were given that weakness, then she'd merit a increase in her base chance to proc Limbo, to balance it. So she'd become much easier for a few champions, and slightly harder for all the others.
So, on the whole, I'd vote to keep her how she is.
Honestly, I don't care if she hits the 6* pool or not. I've just enjoyed having this discussion, lol.
But it’s not any worse than the bishop in the mutant cleanse path (where by design he punishes you for cleansing. Even from the node.)
Or Guilly in the mystic chapter. Because almost every mystic takes energy damage back. (Slight exaggeration).
Or sersei in cosmic chapter with nullify immunity.
These aren’t accidental.
Coming next month, King Groot on “Do you Bleed”