Same. And I happened to be in there when last war ended. And then went very soon over to that Season Status tab. The current Season Ranking initially acted like it normally does, it had the “spinning wheel” (or whatever that “processing” indicator is) for the Gold/etc, and Rank # locations for a few seconds. (As normal).
But then after few seconds, it stopped that “processing/spinning” and just was blank.
And now every time going back in there, it just is blank spots for Gold/etc and Rank # right away (no longer doing that initial “processing” stuff like it did the 1st time).
It was up after last war ended but for some reason it wasn’t automatically updating (said last updated over 24h ago) so I’m guessing they took it down to fix the mess that occurred
It was showing us in Plat 3 (we should be Gold 1) right before it went blank. Knew it was messed up based on the refresh time stamp. Figured they took it down to correct.
And then went very soon over to that Season Status tab.
The current Season Ranking initially acted like it normally does, it had the “spinning wheel” (or whatever that “processing” indicator is) for the Gold/etc, and Rank # locations for a few seconds. (As normal).
But then after few seconds, it stopped that “processing/spinning” and just was blank.
And now every time going back in there, it just is blank spots for Gold/etc and Rank # right away (no longer doing that initial “processing” stuff like it did the 1st time).
Thanks everyone.
Ya this was after the war today and my alliance is gold 1 and then i checked like 2 hours later and it was like this for some reason
My alliance is somewhere in top-10 masters right now, but Kabam think it’s somewhere in stone-1😂😂😂