Any tips for the caltrops lane in Act 5.2.4, also with masochism?
Ur team need to be non bleed champs.. many players WHO have Morningstar.. thats the way to go or else
Vision, Ultron, iceman, GR is a good option to minimize ur potion/units use (if u can play him right).
The stupid buff nodes masochism makes it hard but parry 2 times or else try to intercept aswell.
Out of the 4 I’d take ghostrider, Luke cage, archangel and Morningstar. Why aa? Because enough neurotoxins can negate the caltrops 😂and will be useful on electro fights. Not to mention aa can shut down all regen with 1 neurotoxin. Morningstar and aa would need to be duped to be most useful.
Then a good old star lord for storm. Since completing the caltrops lane you remove that from storm so don’t need a bleed immune. And star lord can out damage her regen.
Ur team need to be non bleed champs.. many players WHO have Morningstar.. thats the way to go or else
Vision, Ultron, iceman, GR is a good option to minimize ur potion/units use (if u can play him right).
The stupid buff nodes masochism makes it hard but parry 2 times or else try to intercept aswell.
Out of the 4 I’d take ghostrider, Luke cage, archangel and Morningstar. Why aa? Because enough neurotoxins can negate the caltrops 😂and will be useful on electro fights. Not to mention aa can shut down all regen with 1 neurotoxin. Morningstar and aa would need to be duped to be most useful.
Then a good old star lord for storm. Since completing the caltrops lane you remove that from storm so don’t need a bleed immune. And star lord can out damage her regen.