worst war matchup ever

In our current war, our alliance is currently towards the back of Plat 4 / barely hanging on to Tier 4, and lost every war so far this season (we had an entire BG leave / won't get into the details... we really should be an upper end of T3 alliance).
Anyway, this war, we are paired up against a Tier1 alliance on "their map"... There were the extra bans... and they got their usual global, but we still get the tier 4 offensive global (which doesn't do much against it).
Everything screams mismatch. Even in the War points... if we win, we are slated to get 92 points, and if we lose only 6 for "alliance rating". We are currently 2702, and they are at 3223.
I am obviously not blaming our opponents / and just want an explanation as to how this could happen. I'd love to see exactly where they are in the leaderboard... but even the leaderboard seems to be broken right now.
Even if by some miracle we were to beat these guys... we wouldn't get Tier 1 rewards... and when the most likely beat us: they are also slightly penalized in that their war rating won't go up much (but I'm guessing that in exchange for a high % chance of a win is worth it).
New alliances with no war rating but a bunch of veterans I get that the matchup system putting them in bronze is going to make for some bad mismatches until they rise up... but that is not the case here.
I'm just curious how isolated of an incident this is / see if anyone else in the community had similar mismatches this war, and would like some idea why this happen / assurance this won't happen again.
Anyway, this war, we are paired up against a Tier1 alliance on "their map"... There were the extra bans... and they got their usual global, but we still get the tier 4 offensive global (which doesn't do much against it).
Everything screams mismatch. Even in the War points... if we win, we are slated to get 92 points, and if we lose only 6 for "alliance rating". We are currently 2702, and they are at 3223.
I am obviously not blaming our opponents / and just want an explanation as to how this could happen. I'd love to see exactly where they are in the leaderboard... but even the leaderboard seems to be broken right now.
Even if by some miracle we were to beat these guys... we wouldn't get Tier 1 rewards... and when the most likely beat us: they are also slightly penalized in that their war rating won't go up much (but I'm guessing that in exchange for a high % chance of a win is worth it).
New alliances with no war rating but a bunch of veterans I get that the matchup system putting them in bronze is going to make for some bad mismatches until they rise up... but that is not the case here.
I'm just curious how isolated of an incident this is / see if anyone else in the community had similar mismatches this war, and would like some idea why this happen / assurance this won't happen again.