What is a champion you think is underrated



  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,214 ★★★★★
    War Machine is flying under the radar.

    Following his buff, he's got access to some fantastic utility.
    • Permanent Armour up for Havok and various nodes
    • Strips Prowess on SP1
    • Special attacks can't be Evaded
    • Decent DoT on SP1 which very few are immune to.
    • If you run Despair, he can basically Heal Block using Despair mastery
    • Very long-lasting, stacking armour break on his SP2 which you can refresh permanently with Heavy attacks, in longer fights
    • Prefight abilities can be used on himself or other Tech champs to grant additional Attack, plus Cleanse charges, increased debuff duration, or insanely high Energy resistance.
    • Awakened ability gives him really good Health recovery and end-of-match damage potential.
    He's really good in Questing, and fantastic against Havok and Bishop. Being all about Physical damage, he's a better Bishop option than Nimrod is, since Nimrod gives Bishop Prowess every time Nimrod hits him, increasing Bishop's damage, Incinerates and giving him Unblockable if he's Awakened.

    Two things hold him back, both eminently fixable:
    (1) he can't reform his armour if it gets broken
    (2) his Prefight abilities don't actually give you as big a damage boost as they're supposed to (Bug thread here), only giving you around 5-8% Attack boost rather than the 10% you were expecting to get.
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