Iron man infinity war power gain

Don't remember the node but in the side quest Date.Game - Final, iron man infinity war keep gaining power even without any armor while under 15% of life.
is there any node explaining that or is it a bug ?
is there any node explaining that or is it a bug ?
I double checked the nodes and there are no armor effects in place. The only interaction that I can see that would mess with it is the node Long distance eternity.
In OPs post they specifically stated IMIW had no armor on him so it doesn't make sense for him to be gaining power if there aren't armor ups on him.
This happened on difficulty 4 and 5
Here is Iron Man Infinity War signature description
Please tell me where it’s noted that he could gain power without any armor effect.
It's here with us for more than 8 months at this point.
They have ignored it. I have accepted it as a ability. Some people have tried to take advantage of that bug in wars. imiw have too many counters these days so the bug is sitting under the rug since forever.
Here's a link to orignal bug post.