Compensation Eligibility - (Yes I know it’s delayed)

Can we get clarification as to who will be receiving the Jan SQ compensation?
Did you need to complete the lane with that node? Attempt it and fail? Or is it just going out by progression level when it is sent out again.
I completed the side quest. Just curious how it was determined who gets what….
Did you need to complete the lane with that node? Attempt it and fail? Or is it just going out by progression level when it is sent out again.
I completed the side quest. Just curious how it was determined who gets what….
Criteria for compensation is any player who attempted the first fight on the problem path at least once (regardless of the result of this fight) in each difficulty. This was the Make A Stand, Newton's Law path in week 4 of the January 2023 (37.2) Mojo’s Choice meta event. The first fight on the path was Storm. Impacted difficulties were Threat Levels 3, 4 and 5.
Hope this helps!
So I have attempted first fight of problem path (storm) of each of those difficulties technically
According to Jax's comment above, I am eligible for compensation
But I have not received any compensation, I will update if I do
If someone found that the nodes are not working as intended in level 4, that person will receive the compensation for only level 4?
This sucks.
Why would anyone bother to go to level 5 or level 3 if level 4 was not working correctly?
@Kabam Jax Isn't this an oversight at your end?
I don’t understand doing it like this. Everyone who got to the week 4 quests and even did the other path should have gotten the rewards since Kabam continually releases bugged content and often doesn’t fix things while they are still running. The people who pushed through should get a 2nd set of rewards and/or unit/potion/revive compensation for what was a reasonable average of items used if individual usage couldn’t be figured out to compensate accordingly.
When Kabam doesn’t fix bugs or disclose criteria for compensation while the events are still ongoing it isn’t fair to put the onus on the player to either push through harder content than is intended, skip the content and not be able to get the rewards or compensation or magically guess what they need to do to be entitled to the potential compensation (and that’s if Kabam even gives compensation period).
It is the same for me as well. Probably it still comes...