Which 6 Star Champ are you most looking forward to awakening?

With many having the potential to receive an awakening gem, I was curious who everyone is looking forward to awakening. There are always some semingly obvisous choices, but some (like Herc) may already be awakend in your personal roster. Since it's random, feel free to either put a single champ or list champs by class. I plan to use the gem to help my champs light our darkest hour.
Science - Scorpion or Quicksilver (still a bit undecided)
Mutant - Magneto House of X
Cosmic - Galan
Mystic - save for Absorbing Man
Skill - Blade
Tech - Infamous Iron Man
Science - Scorpion or Quicksilver (still a bit undecided)
Mutant - Magneto House of X
Cosmic - Galan
Mystic - save for Absorbing Man
Skill - Blade
Tech - Infamous Iron Man
Mystic Spidey supreme
Mutant Bishop
Science Spidey 2099
Skill save for Zemo
Tech idk who
Tech: Omega Sentinel
Mutant: Sunspot or Red Magneto
Skill: Hawkeye
Science: Ibom, Spidey 2099, or Miles
Mystic: Diablo or Doom, still new to Doom so it depends on which one I enjoy playing more.
Mutant - Domino/Save for Kitty
Cosmic - Save for Herc
Mystic - Save for Absorbing Man
Skill - Shang-Chi
Tech - Save for Nimrod/Infamous Iron Man
Skill: Fat Man
Mutant: Colossus or Bishop
Mystic: Tigra
Science: Quicksilver
Tech: None (only have seven 6* Tech, Silver Centurion is already awakened, and I have three Tech AG already, because Kabam hates me)
Tech: iDoom and Silver Centurion.
Cosmic: Galan, Angela, Terrax.
Mutant: Toad, Red Mags. Platinumpool as well if we count trophy champs.
Skill: Mantis, Korg, Blade.
Science: Spot, OG Hulk, Anti-Venom. We'll see how the OG Spider-Man buff turns out. Maybe him as well if it's better than what we saw from the CCP.
Skill: Either Shang-Chi or Aegon, leaning Shang
Mutant: Omega Red
Tech: Probably either Nimrod or Peni
Cosmic: Save for Galan or CMM
Mystic: Doom maybe? I don't have any mystics that need dupe atm
Cosmic - save for Hype
Mystic - Manthing since the rest of my top mystics are awaken
Skill - save for Korg (need defender for BG)
Tech - Warlock or Ultron
Science - Void
Mystic: Doom
Skill: Valk
tech: save it for Idoom
Mutant: save it
Cosmic: Maybe gamora
Skill: Attuma
Science: scorpion
Mystic: Ebony maw
Cosmic: hulkling (don’t have him either)
Tech: captain America Sam Wilson
Tech....Ultron, nimrod or idoom
Science....QS or ibom
Mutant.....have most duped so not really in a rush to use (house of x maybe....or wait for kitty)
Skill.... probably save for the glorious day I finally pull KP in a 6 star
Mystic....rintrah or Spidey supreme but I haven't really used Spidey much so I don't even know if he needs it.
Cosmic.....Most likely a save for herc, galan or hulkling ...
Skill - also nope
Mutant - considering Red mags?
Cosmic - save for Galan
Science - Mr. N/Anti-Venom
Mystic - Spidey Supreme