Working as intended.

Here’s VP getting power drained figtinga tech. Even though he can’t be power drained while fighting a tech.
Do the makers of this game pay attention to anything?

Do the makers of this game pay attention to anything?

The pop up 'power drain' is wrong and not updated.
The correct word and the intended action is written on the node.
They need to update it
It also same as hyperion, he got power gain buff but cannot gain power, the node prevent it
There are other effects like this. The indestructible effect prevents a champ from taking any damage, but there are still things that can kill an indestructible champ because some game mechanics do not deliver damage that indestructible can prevent: they just simply set your health to zero and then you die. There are nodes that don't work by throwing effects around: they just do things by Word of God mechanics. Power Struggle is a word of god mechanic.
It is important to remember that the way MCOC works is by the names of things, not by the idea of things. If something is stated to be immune to power drain, that means it is literally immune to all effects explicitly called Power Drain. It is not necessarily immune to other effects you call "power drain." Other effects that lower power that are not called power drain are not affected by immunity to power drain.
That's not just for power drain, and that's not some game inconsistency. That's how it always works, and how it always has worked. That's how the game engine was designed to function. "Immune to X" means "check the label, look for X." If it isn't labeled X, there is no effect regardless of what it does.
"Sometimes you just have to close your eyes and be thankful for everything.
The world becomes a better place when people get busy doing what they love instead of complaining about what they hate.
Yes, that would personally solve this issue and many other issues for me personally. If the text written in game was consistent with how the game works or got the message across more clearly that would be great. No more guesswork or having to just KNOW why or how something works.
I totally get where the original post is coming from(not the messages after that mind you)
And I might be mistaken but I think I remember from past interactions that something like petrify that reduces the amount of power you get from a power gain effect IS effected by the power gain from this node, so why should it not work the other way around with the power reduction, where you can be immune to it?
I hope someone else can confirm this seeing as I don't know of a way to get proof right now. I may very well be missremembering this or thinking of another node and in that case I'll fully accept that ofcourse!
As an aside, I have always wondered if the champion designer was punking me here.
Is the node the primary activity that over rides a champs ability? yeah, until it's not because AAR can affect it, until it doesn't
Is this champ resistant to degen? Sure, except when it's Degen.
Is this passive damage? yeah but nah.
Some things seem like "oh yeah, that's totally meant to happen because of obscure reason X" anytime some weird interaction occurs.