AI able to throw special attacks in the middle of a successful heavy attack

I was taking a war fight today with DDHK. Fighting thing on node 46, tier 2. I used a parry, then landed my first heavy attack successfully, but in-between the two heavy attack hits he was able to interrupt with a SP2. That huge loss in health ended up costing a death that otherwise wouldn’t have happened. First time I’ve seen this interaction. Here’s a video of what happened:

it's a thing with hitboxes, but if the first hit connected the second definitely should. And if we can't do that they definitely shouldn't be able to.
Please explain Jax
EDIT: upon replaying frame-by-frame it looks like Thing went from his recovering animation (after the first hit) directly into his special animation with no downtime whatsoever.
We've brought this to the engineering team!
Let me just say: THIS is how you report a bug. We appreciate all of the details and the video. Again, we know it isn't always possible to provide a video in relation to bugs, but it goes a long way towards helping the investigation.
We, as we use the game to relax, have another view on the game, especially over the years. This is really unfortunate but nature of things I assume.
Plus getting special intercepted while defender is getting up from the floor
The AI moves faster than both the game frame-rate and the character animations. The harder the content the worse it is. For example....
Sometimes I attempt to swipe & dash in for an intercept when my opponent is at distance. But all my attacker does is a medium attack.
This can only mean that the defender dashes in with me (so their hit box changes my action from a dash to an attack) but then dashes back so quickly that neither of their actions is animated. Happens all the time in all content.....
This is also significantly different than dropped inputs or weird inputs like trying to block and doing a light attack or a dash in or nothing at all......
Every champ when hit is 'stunned' for a few frames (kabams new post implies this), so that subsequent hits can be landed without issue. Only evade can get out of this. No matter the speed of your input, you're immobilized
Then later you say:
Correct, this isn't an AI issue which is the main point I was attempting to make. Bug or not, this is a deeper issue of the loosening (deliberate or accidentally) of the core fight mechanics in the game to the point where only an AI with computer precision are able to predictably exploit them and wreck us humans. This example is just one of many that have snuck into the game over the past 4-5 years and they are just getting worse as they also crank up the speed of the AI and the game overall. Kabam (and many of us summoners) want to keep treating symptoms one at a time - I want them to understand and acknowledge all of these game issues are SYSTEMIC, not isolated bugs - that's all.
I wasn't stunned or immobilized and then tried to move. I was anticipating the opponents dash in with an intercept and it turn into a medium attack instead.
But the defender didn't seem to move in. Or did they?.....
Yes they actually did move in and then dashed back so fast that the animations didn't register. So my 'dash in' swipe became a 'medium attack' swipe because the defenders hit box was within range for that split second.
That's the only way to generate an attack from a swipe, to be close to them. Otherwise it defaults to a dash.
And I made this analogy because I believe the opponents speed/reaction time is what causing them to break into the middle of a heavy attack with a special as the OP says......
Kabam has moved MCOC to an almost 100 % monetary based game for anyone playing 5* and above. Most rewards in general play, AW and AQ do not come close to allowing you to progress in the game without at some point buying units. Originally you would get boosts and potions in normal play, so much so when they came out with Summoners Sigil it was almost a necessary purchase.
You need units to buy just about anything anymore - boosts, potions, etc, etc. The cost of loyalty and glory items are far greater than what the usual game rewards are for loyalty and glory. Kabam has stopped rewarding regular boosts in normal play.
Amp up the AI to cost the players deaths and health to require health boosts and revives and, pun intended, KABAM you need to buy potions, revives, and boosts despite your knowing that your a good player.
Then release special deals.... $9.99 for 2,000 6 star shards for another crappy 6 star champ and a Cavalier Nexus crystal guaranteed to give you a 3 star roll up.
Bitter and jaded here, still playing since 2015.