If your earn it this month in Incursions SQ, will it disappear from your profile after end of month. NO, I’m sure you’ll probably keep it.
Will it be removed as part of what you can earn in Incursions going forward in future months. YES, it will no longer be available to earn in standard incursions next month.
Related question: can I do some Threat Level 6 Incursions & conclude my run. Then start from scratch later in the month to room 25 & get title? Or will the aborted run ruin things?
Related question: can I do some Threat Level 6 Incursions & conclude my run. Then start from scratch later in the month to room 25 & get title? Or will the aborted run ruin things?
No, your aborted run won’t ruin anything. You can try as many times you want. Rewards though are one time collectible. This means you can do a run up to zone 10 and get all these rewards. Then you can do another run and reach zone 25 and get rewards from zone 11 to 25 including the title.
If your earn it this month in Incursions SQ, will it disappear from your profile after end of month.
NO, I’m sure you’ll probably keep it.
Will it be removed as part of what you can earn in Incursions going forward in future months.
YES, it will no longer be available to earn in standard incursions next month.
Or will the aborted run ruin things?
You can try as many times you want.
Rewards though are one time collectible.
This means you can do a run up to zone 10 and get all these rewards.
Then you can do another run and reach zone 25 and get rewards from zone 11 to 25 including the title.