Who to rank5 both duped but vision duped twice.

Code5Code5 Member Posts: 58
edited November 2017 in General Discussion

Who to rank5 both duped but vision duped twice. 22 votes

Vision AOU
SnakeEyes69XillymanKihlgastShaheerFIaz 4 votes
GbSarkarTitan_A97MegaSkater67Deadbyrd9DarcilisRealPastorTsenatorDarkArrow07zero7gohard123vinniegainzveector26ConnectSgtAnime1G0311ViciousJKorporate_KurtTempest 18 votes


  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    First rank 5 tech?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    Kinda depends on what you need. I'm sure a lot of people are going to say the obvious answer is Star Lord, but that's only if you actually intend to use Star Lord for something. If you keep dying in content because you lack immune champs, then maybe Vision is the better choice. If you're doing fine in content in general and you're looking for a heavy hitter for LoL, RttL, or Act 5, then Star Lord is your best bet.

    I think most experienced players in this game don't rank up champions based on which one is "better." They rank up the one they need the most, or the one that will help them the most. And that is different for different players based on their current roster, their skill level, and what they are trying to do.
  • Code5Code5 Member Posts: 58
    Thanks y'all I'll go with starlord but I lowkey want SSE for prestige. Idk if I should wait or nah
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I don’t find vision a very useful champ. Much better power control champs out there. Just depends on what you need like @DNA3000 said
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Starlords damage is legendary but you have to maintain a combo. If you are struggling there you won't get the most out of him. Vision has great utility and can control fights which is pretty powerful. I use my OG Vision much more than Starlord. I'm very disappointed that the Visions won't be available as 5*s
  • TempestTempest Member Posts: 295
    edited November 2017
    I actually find Starlord one of the easiest champs to use. Much easier than stark spidey. If you can't maintain a combo then you should learn to maintain one instead of avoiding using a champ like Starlord. Not getting hit is one of the game's essential, basic skills. Vision hits softly, which I don't like. Starlord is a heavy hitter. Having said that, if it was OG vision, I'd pick him.. But AOU one is meh
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