Can’t win a single match in battlegrounds.

I never claimed to be great at this game, even though I have cleared most of the content. But I cannot win a single match in battlegrounds and I keep getting matched up against legends every three or four fights it seems. I feel like I have been so penalized for building up my roster to where it is. Really makes me want to quit the game.
It then feels that your always playing catch up,..for whatever defenders you rank up you know that those other stacked accounts are ranking up more defenders at the same time. There should be a cap on so called “defenders”,..or go back to the season 4 meta where a lot of them were neutered or able to be taken down easily.
But i do know that having a battlegrounds season where ALL the regular op “defenders” or dual threat (defenders/attackers) are all very viable,..can make things very frustrating.
Especially when you don’t have 1/4 of the defenders they have.
Since then, I’m still at 45% Legends, but at least half of them are of the “Conduit for Revenge” variety. Sadly, they still are at or above 16K prestige. I assume the “carry me” Legends under 1M rating are all either well ahead of me or picking off tiny accounts on their fast track to GC. Those are the Legends I’d like to see in matchmaking.
Dr. Zola
Kabam doesn’t seem very interested in a FAIR matchmaking.
At this point their persistence on “even deck” matchmaking (even doesn’t mean fair), rather than BGs performance matchmaking (that is the obvious fair matchmaking), shows that their goal is to avoid the voicy low players outcry, and push veteran players to the overpriced Victory Shields, in order to progress through VT.
It’s been already been two months we have Prestige matchmaking.
If they were about to change it, they could have done it.
It would take only few hours at most, to calibrate matchmaking parameters.
It took few hours to change it from deck to Prestige matchmaking , when they decided to “fix” sandbagging.
They just don’t want to change it this time.
Now i'm on silver 3 and lost 14 matches.
For me everyone is using hack.
Nothing justifies how easily they are beating me and executing matchups with perfect mastery so often.
In none of the previous 5 seasons have I lost more than 5 or 6 matches from bronze to vibranium.
If you understand the current nodes and use the right champs you will do okay and win more. If you just go in swinging you will get served by skilled players with better strategy even with your higher rated champs as each meta determines which champs are better to use. Also keep an eye out on who to ban based on the meta and your past fights that you got wrecked on, while you can’t ban every great champ of a stacked account there are a few bans that will help you out.
It's the first time I started with 2 losses in VT, and I don't mind losing fair and square.
Either smaller rosters get squashed in BGs and struggle to win anything at all; or they cruise to Platinum whilst players with substantially bigger roosters they've built up all hold each other back and struggle to progress*.
*This is where I am, right now. And I don't want to stomp on much weaker rosters, but on the other hand seeing them easily get rewards which I'm struggling to get close to is extremely frustrating (and disincentivising...)
Interestingly, no-one complains about it being unfair that newbies face seasoned veterans in arena, because it doesn't happen: there are (largely invisible) beginners, intermediate and veteran brackets. So an experienced player who restarts as a beginner can actually win featured champs quite easily with a bit of arena grinding.
Something like this would be a fairly obvious solution: to have different competitive brackets for Battlegrounds.
Having made that point, this is such an obvious solution, I can only presume that Kabam decided against that due to excessive server load, or insufficient predicted numbers of players or something.
Well, never mind, I wasn't planning on starting again, anyway 😉
This would make sure players were always competing in an appropriate bracket. I know I won 2 matches in bronze, it bumped me up to silver, and I haven’t won since lol.
There’s a delicious nexus 6* down the road
🤤 😋
11 R5s and 1 7R2, rest is R4s and 7R1s.
R5s and 7R2s is the only thing that matters, skills went out the window after last year 4th july offers.
The last few seasons I had 3-5 R5s, and lost a lot of fights with +/- 1000 points. Now, with x2 the amount of R5s, i win those foghts.
Do act 8, get a few more R5s. When you have 10+ R5s/7R2s…they can’t ban you from winning anymore.