Next progression boss should be female



  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★

    Emilia90 said:

    Why are there such aggressive responses to this

    I think that would be neat OP. Definitely doesn’t need to be a priority for them, but I’d like to see that too

    Right? It doesn't hurt to throw some ideas out here. Especially since they have Gwenmaster and Black Widow Scytalis as some chapter bosses.

    Got any females in mind? I even think a Horseman of Apoc type Storm + debuff immune Storm, along with additional SAVAGE node buffs, would be interesting.
    That sounds like it could be really cool. I’m not super familiar with the comics and I know that the boss has to fit into the story, so it seems like Carina would be the most likely at some point. I also like the idea of them revamping the old Dark Phoenix boss and doing something with that. I think she has a lot of potential to be interesting
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,634 ★★★★★
    problem is, not many "Avengers level threat" villains are women in the comics. Dark Phoenix is probably the main one. Otherwise you're looking at female villains one solo hero can take down, eg Lady Deathstrike, Sin, Viper, Madam Hydra, White Rabbit, the Janice Lincoln Beetle, Madam Masque, etc.
  • Ace2319Ace2319 Member Posts: 619 ★★★
    Stellar said:

    You see, when it’s a male Boss, the gender doesn’t matter, but if it’s a female some players ask for, then it shouldn’t be relevant? What’s the matter folks? Afraid of having your a$$es handled to you by a female boss?

    No not really. When the boss is figured as female or male, or robot or alien or whatever it is, no one complain or bother, because it the boss put here by Kabam. sometimes it's portrayed as female, or something approaching, sometimes as a male ou a robot or anything else.

    But when some woke player specifically ask for female boss "because of gender equality" that is irrelevant. not because we could be afraid of beating 6 times a female portrayed virtual boss, but more because, before that woke player started this discussion, champion's gender was not a problem, no one even though about how GM was a female or Kang a male. we didn't care and would just wanted to enjoy the game far from such woke stupidity !

    Please, stop introducing woke agenda in this game ! if you like it, please stop it ! i know there is a quote in your beloved US : "if you go woke, you go broke", i bet no one want this game to go broke so stop it !
    Did you just say gender equality is irrelevant..?

    I think more women bosses could be cool. It is kinda weird that half the population is female and yet 90% of the game bosses are male. Not a huge issue sure but it also wouldn’t take a huge amount of work to change either
  • Ace2319Ace2319 Member Posts: 619 ★★★
    Stellar said:

    Ace2319 said:

    Stellar said:

    You see, when it’s a male Boss, the gender doesn’t matter, but if it’s a female some players ask for, then it shouldn’t be relevant? What’s the matter folks? Afraid of having your a$$es handled to you by a female boss?

    No not really. When the boss is figured as female or male, or robot or alien or whatever it is, no one complain or bother, because it the boss put here by Kabam. sometimes it's portrayed as female, or something approaching, sometimes as a male ou a robot or anything else.

    But when some woke player specifically ask for female boss "because of gender equality" that is irrelevant. not because we could be afraid of beating 6 times a female portrayed virtual boss, but more because, before that woke player started this discussion, champion's gender was not a problem, no one even though about how GM was a female or Kang a male. we didn't care and would just wanted to enjoy the game far from such woke stupidity !

    Please, stop introducing woke agenda in this game ! if you like it, please stop it ! i know there is a quote in your beloved US : "if you go woke, you go broke", i bet no one want this game to go broke so stop it !
    Did you just say gender equality is irrelevant..?

    I think more women bosses could be cool. It is kinda weird that half the population is female and yet 90% of the game bosses are male. Not a huge issue sure but it also wouldn’t take a huge amount of work to change either
    asking that in the game is irrelevant. just stop trying to make virtuals worlds (game, movies etc...) the image of what you think real world should be in your dream !

    who cares that half of the population is female and only 10% of boss are female ? if a boss is designed as female, like GM, scytalis, sentinel ? or male like Kang, grandmaster, Collector, where is the problem ?
    We could have 3 female final boss for act 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 that would still be ok if that goes in the benefit of the story. and you will find nowhere someone crying about having a male boss "because of gender equality".

    So stop being woke in this game, and if the boss is female it will as ok as if it is a male as long as it goes with the story line.
    I agree that they need to go with the story. They don’t need to slap a female boss everywhere just for the sake of diversity. It needs to fit and be done well but I think they should make the story line revolve around a few more women because they can be great villains too.

    I think it’s weird how many people are freaking out at the thought of more girls. If you don’t care about the gender why do you care if they make more boss fights women?
  • YouDontNeedToKnowYouDontNeedToKnow Member Posts: 145
    Emilia90 said:

    Stellar said:

    You see, when it’s a male Boss, the gender doesn’t matter, but if it’s a female some players ask for, then it shouldn’t be relevant? What’s the matter folks? Afraid of having your a$$es handled to you by a female boss?

    No not really. When the boss is figured as female or male, or robot or alien or whatever it is, no one complain or bother, because it the boss put here by Kabam. sometimes it's portrayed as female, or something approaching, sometimes as a male ou a robot or anything else.

    But when some woke player specifically ask for female boss "because of gender equality" that is irrelevant. not because we could be afraid of beating 6 times a female portrayed virtual boss, but more because, before that woke player started this discussion, champion's gender was not a problem, no one even though about how GM was a female or Kang a male. we didn't care and would just wanted to enjoy the game far from such woke stupidity !

    Please, stop introducing woke agenda in this game ! if you like it, please stop it ! i know there is a quote in your beloved US : "if you go woke, you go broke", i bet no one want this game to go broke so stop it !
    I can’t believe we’ve reached a point where asking for a female boss is considered woke. Apparently some people think anything concerning women is woke

    The person who made the thread didn’t ask for a female boss because of gender equality, they just wanted one because we haven’t had one yet and it would be neat

    the best is how they throw around the word “woke” like they’ve been using it that way their whole life, lol.

    it’s like, what word/term were you using a few years ago, before you started parroting that one!?!? 😆

  • DarrowDarrow Member Posts: 1

    Bringing in this Aunt May for real?
  • Mknight123Mknight123 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    It's funny how people that are disagreeing with this thread like myself, are getting their comments deleted, we aren't allowed to disagree with people and have our own opinions? Ridiculous.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    I have no problem with OP's desire for a female boss for next progression. I wouldn't say it has to be female boss-gated..but if it's female-gated, it's female-gated - nothing wrong with the request in itself and if it can fit the story and happens then okay, great. The identity of progression gates have never mattered to me - it's only important whether I can beat them and progress.
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,636 ★★★★★
    altavista said:

    Was just about to disagree because I remembered facing Scytalis recently, but I realized you are talking specifically about Progression level.

    My only comment is - I hope there is not another Progression level anytime soon.

  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,636 ★★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    What we need is a quake boss that has master level AI that can quake better than master quakers. They also should nullify all people that stop evade so the AI can quake. Then the only way to win is quaking or anyone who has passive power gain 🤣

  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,636 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Stellar said:

    You see, when it’s a male Boss, the gender doesn’t matter, but if it’s a female some players ask for, then it shouldn’t be relevant? What’s the matter folks? Afraid of having your a$$es handled to you by a female boss?

    No not really. When the boss is figured as female or male, or robot or alien or whatever it is, no one complain or bother, because it the boss put here by Kabam. sometimes it's portrayed as female, or something approaching, sometimes as a male ou a robot or anything else.

    But when some woke player specifically ask for female boss "because of gender equality" that is irrelevant. not because we could be afraid of beating 6 times a female portrayed virtual boss, but more because, before that woke player started this discussion, champion's gender was not a problem, no one even though about how GM was a female or Kang a male. we didn't care and would just wanted to enjoy the game far from such woke stupidity !

    Please, stop introducing woke agenda in this game ! if you like it, please stop it ! i know there is a quote in your beloved US : "if you go woke, you go broke", i bet no one want this game to go broke so stop it !
    I can’t believe we’ve reached a point where asking for a female boss is considered woke. Apparently some people think anything concerning women is woke

    The person who made the thread didn’t ask for a female boss because of gender equality, they just wanted one because we haven’t had one yet and it would be neat
    Lmfaoooo for real. All types of senselessness in that response 😂😂😂
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,636 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    SCP1504 said:

    If you introduce another progression title, can that boss please be a female? So many males, but not a single woman. I think Lady Death would be a great boss. If not her, then another female.

    Are we going to fight her lady bits? Lol

    Among the criteria of what the next boss should be
    Gender doesn't even rank
    Get your head outta your twitter feed ffs
    ??? Nothing confusing about this
    He brought Twitter into someone just asking for a female boss fight so I don’t think there’s any point in questioning it lol
    😂😂😂 right. Wth does Twitter have to do with this? Lmfao. Made ZERO sense. They were just looking for any reason to throw Twitter in there. Like they had been waiting all of their life to say that 😂 Sad part about it all is that they probably convinced themselves that they're right and got me all figured out 😂
  • TerminatrixTerminatrix Member Posts: 3,636 ★★★★★

    I would love to see more unique bosses that are women. I think that would be very great

    Omg Cat Murdock!!! 🙏🏽 YEEEESSSSS!!! Thank you for sharing your voice on this!!!
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