And honestly, I have no skills to be able to do it otherwise. If it doesn't change back, I'll probably be done because I can't spend hundred of dollars on just revives (I am a moderate spender) to complete challenges.
Hopefully they cancel this whole apothecary nonsense. Literally makes no sense considering the current state of the game. If not I gotta rush to complete the rest of the challenges
Hopefully they cancel this whole apothecary nonsense. Literally makes no sense considering the current state of the game. If not I gotta rush to complete the rest of the challenges
I'm pretty sure revive farming in early acts is going away regardless of anything. I think the best course of action is to advocate for improvements to the Apothecary. Maybe they would meet us in the middle somewhat, I'd personally be ok with adding an extra revive to Hard completion, so we could get 2 per quest.
Revive farming certainly helped me save units, especially for those two objectives (Thunderbolts and Brotherhood of Mutants) where I didn't have any good champions. It was less of a focus for the other runs where I had better champions.
But I think the real unit-saver was that champion swap node in the middle. Being able to bring Hercules (right side) or CGR (left side) saved me a TOOOOOOOON of revives on those first four fights.
I farmed energy in 5.3.6 and revives in 3.2.6 like a fkin braindead mf. Tbh, without those , it would take me a few more months before fully completing carina 3
I farmed energy in 5.3.6 and revives in 3.2.6 like a fkin braindead mf. Tbh, without those , it would take me a few more months before fully completing carina 3
I would never have completed them without farming. And without farming for end game content, I have nothing left to do as I can't complete end game content without it.
I wouldnt have been able to do the Juggernaut run without them, since I only had a 5 star to do it I put a ton of time into farming revives for close to 2 weeks ahead of the attempt. I managed to do it with a good amount remaining, but still it took almost 60 revives. That's 2400 units just spent on revives if you were to convert it....thats not including health potions either so probably close to 3000+ units worth of resources for 1 run, thats $100 worth of items for a single run. theres no way I can justify doing these challenges if I cant farm revives consistently. If I were to do this 1 a day thing I could only get 14 more in overflow which means I get 29 free revives in total to do a eop run. That is almost impossible unless your running Hercules only with full synergy. This may end up being the end of mcoc, to bad to since I was really getting into it. Just got Paragon to, what a shame
But I think the real unit-saver was that champion swap node in the middle. Being able to bring Hercules (right side) or CGR (left side) saved me a TOOOOOOOON of revives on those first four fights.