Honest compensation discussion?

Maxwell33Maxwell33 Member Posts: 47
I've been a long time player who's spent hours and a couple hundred dollars over my few years and have seen a huge shift in the amount of scheduled and unscheduled emergency maintenance.

When I first started it was a rare occurrence and if it did happen, we were promptly compensated for it. Now it's almost a regular event and we are very rarely compensated. And when we are, the offerings are not always as valuable as they used to be.

I want this to be a fair discussion and see if we can figure out how and if we can get to kabam to be more fair to the serious and highly active players who are suffering from this rise in maintenance issues.


  • SCARESCARE Member Posts: 149
    i would like shards maybe units? i just want compensated like everyone else does ...i think 0-0
  • Maxwell33Maxwell33 Member Posts: 47
    I'd even be happy to see some 4* arena boosts for every class. Myself and everyone are missing out on arena time. Very frustrated
  • SCARESCARE Member Posts: 149
    maybe a rare one star?
  • Maxwell33Maxwell33 Member Posts: 47
    Lol that'd be perfect!
  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    well the many crashes last week have more of an effect on war AQ arena and legend runs than todays and we didn't get anything so ..... don't hold your breath

  • patel3186patel3186 Member Posts: 47
    Mostly likely there wont be any compensation. As community its feels like we are wasting our precious time for a company who completely ignore their players. This past maintenance costed a community significant amount or resources, lost champ in arena and legend runs.
  • SCARESCARE Member Posts: 149
    we might get this so called nothing too so idk lol
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    a meaningless compensation, i.e. a rare 1-2* champ, would make a fraction happy. Throw in arena boosts, maybe low star sig stones, anything and acknowledge it was your fault, and people would be okay. complain, but be okay.
  • Reg_MontanaReg_Montana Member Posts: 30
    If there will. Then I would want some rank down tickets.
  • SCARESCARE Member Posts: 149
    so we all want rank down tickets? lol
  • Maxwell33Maxwell33 Member Posts: 47
    I'd love some rank down stuff. Made some really bad decisions when I didn't know anything about the game and thought champion PI was the most important thing.... Rank 4 red hulk makes me sad :neutral:
  • SCARESCARE Member Posts: 149
    yeah i messed up and ranked up my carnage XD
  • AshtontonicAshtontonic Member Posts: 63
    the dont give a xxxx and they dont care at all... they will just close this thread of just give a we are working on it response and thats it...
  • SCARESCARE Member Posts: 149
    and we get flagged for having a conversation? what did i ever do to the person who flagged me. Seriously why can't anyone be nice to me? jeez were just talking
  • SCARESCARE Member Posts: 149
    thank you for unflagging me whoever did
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    They haven't compensated for anything since 12.0. At least not the daily operational bugs or masteries not working. They don't have to, they know we keep playing and people keep spending. Truth is they haven't shown us one reason in the last two months that they value any imput from this forum. Wars (keep making those dumb nodes, but ignore defender kills), new content (Only if you reach an impractical goal on social media), new Science champs (crickets), more 5* ranking resources (Yep, play every arena/quest/hit every milestone in hourly events/rank in the top 10 of said events, burn energy refills daily for more valor. wash and repeat and will give you half of one t2a, the other 3.5 will come after 7* are released.) This is just the way the game is except, don't expect it to change as they won't now. We can vent frustrations, but how many people complaining about these server breakdowns went and liked the companies facebook? We are sheep. baaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    Not compensating for random server outages is standard operating procedure for any online game. Get used to it.
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    Not compensating for random server outages is standard operating procedure for any online game. Get used to it.

    This was not standard opt when the game was a year old, hell even 2 years old and you know it. This company once cared, and wanted to beef it's players up, it once understood and sent random items because of these issues. They once wanted to build a player base that was loyal because of competition out there, and a lot of us were around for those days and are still here. So saying everyone does it, doesn't mean it should be done like that. Everyone shares accounts, doesn't mean you should. I agree that people need to get used to it, but it doesn't make it right!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    We just got 250k Valor a week ago. They obviously still offer Compensation.
  • NomarigerolNomarigerol Member Posts: 159
    We just got 250k Valor a week ago. They obviously still offer Compensation.

    Sure. But it was kinda measly, wasn't it ?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    As for random outages, if the game is down for a small amount of time, there's no need for it in my opinion. We also have to consider the gauge of it. Bugs are frustrating, but if they're not resolved, there's no way to determine their effect because it's still ongoing. Different factors go into it.
  • hungama01hungama01 Member Posts: 108
    i am agree with op...
    make in start they care of tgeir member and they used to compensate us fairly....
    but i think after 2 and half year they rarely lissen to us and rarely care to compensate... they are not like what they wer before...
  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    What do you expect guys?there is no honor and ethics,when they design the game and there is no respect for the customers/players.i have started to spend much less after the 12.0,i have wasted a lots of money,when i bought crystals,to roll and awake sw and strange and on the signature stones.not too long ago i have stopped to spend totally and i feel much better.am i silly,to trust again and to waste a lots of money?not really.in other games,if you spend a lots of money on heroes,that has a value and worth to do it,because they are strong and useful after one-two years as well.
  • AquarDragon65AquarDragon65 Member Posts: 189
    The 1st and 2nd Special Attack fails at the end of September cost me Big Time!!!

    And the buzz on the forums led to a 2500 5 star shard payout that was about 10% of what I lost and paid out in value... Something was better than nothing!!!

    Complain and something might get done...

    Don't NOT complain on these boards!!!

    And remember... 1 complaint in here means there are another thousand players with the same problem but don't have the wherewithal to speak up!!!

    You are part of the solution!!

    Not complaining is part of the problem!!!

    Don't be discouraged... speak up more and you will be rewarded!!!
  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    I am complaning always,together with thousands of others.nothing is going to happen,until the people spends crazy amount of money on nothing,as i used to do as well....
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    We need some rank down tickets to celebrate kabams third anniversary.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Maxwell33 wrote: »
    I've been a long time player who's spent hours and a couple hundred dollars over my few years and have seen a huge shift in the amount of scheduled and unscheduled emergency maintenance.

    When I first started it was a rare occurrence and if it did happen, we were promptly compensated for it. Now it's almost a regular event and we are very rarely compensated. And when we are, the offerings are not always as valuable as they used to be.

    I want this to be a fair discussion and see if we can figure out how and if we can get to kabam to be more fair to the serious and highly active players who are suffering from this rise in maintenance issues.

    Like their facebook page, we are soooo close to 1m!
  • imnooneimnoone Member Posts: 316 ★★
    I liked the game better when Collector used to own the battlerealm .. he was more responsible with rewards and took care of summoners very well. ... I say #bringbackthecollector ...
  • ApacheApache Member Posts: 558 ★★
    we just were compensated with valor. not sure what more you guys want
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Apache wrote: »
    we just were compensated with valor. not sure what more you guys want

    Well I'd start off by saying a little more accountability on their part. But to be fair 250K valor doesn't make up for someone who missed time in arenas grinding out 17 mil, or someone who had a legends run cut short. It doesn't make up for the number of people that may have lost an arena streak do to the crash. It doesn't help replace the multiple revives or potions someone has used in AW/AQ because of the drops in server or lags not to mention the months of bugs. But yeah they gave you something, which is why the herd just keeps moving as everything else is swept under the rug.

    You know what I really want? I want them to change the in-game message to say "hey yall, servers bunk but we going to keep saying it is your network and not our fault" or better yet "Please bend over and cough, while we reboot the server." Most mods on here can remember when the company would live up to the in-game issues offer compensation when you submitted a ticket. They didn't send automated canned response asking you if you did steps 1-10 because it's not our fault replies. I don't even blame kabam anymore, I look at it as Netmarble who is slowly ruining the game. Kabam is just the puppet that protects them.
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