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OG Thor should be reverted back to pre-nerf

MephrosMephros Posts: 8
edited March 2023 in Suggestions and Requests
In my opinion OG Thor should be reverted back to his pre-nerfed state.
A massive nerf back in the day was made to OG Thor where instead of allowing him to stack his armour breaks as many times as you could when you parry they limited it to only 2.
This honestly ruined OG Thor from being able to do the good damage he could back then and honestly it was difficult to even get high stacks of armour breaks especially when they have a short duration.

It’s ridiculous that something which was a big part of his kit was nerfed yet champions like Corvus literally can do what he used to do without limit and Cull can essentially as well with his heavy attacks.

Revert OG Thor back to the way he was so he might be useful again
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,014 ★★★★★
    Pre 12.0 thor was absolutely broken. All you had to do was parry and pop a single sp2 and nothing could survive. He's perfectly fine the was he is. Doctor strange on the other hand, got butchered.
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    Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    If they reverted him his damage would still not be as good because they changed how damage is calculated in 12.0.
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    CosmicGuardianCosmicGuardian Posts: 408 ★★★
    From what I remember of pre 12.0, armour breaks worked differently then when they stacked. I believe that the reduction in armour was multiplicative, not additive like it is now, which is why OG Thor’s damage was so potent when stacking Aron our breaks. Reverting him to his pre 12.0 kit wouldn’t make his damage like it was due to this change in the way armour breaks work.
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 6,978 Guardian
    Kabam changed how negative armor worked with 12.0 so even if Thor could stack all his armor breaks again, he still won't be in his full glory because negative armor before 12.0 was Broken OP
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    KerneasKerneas Posts: 3,765 ★★★★★
    I don't exactly remember what changed. One thing is Diminishing Returns (DR) and other is a champion nerf. I personally dunno if both these were implemented, so I will write down options:

    A) Thor was nerfed and DR was added

    In that case, a slight Thor buff might happen, because DR will make it less impactful. He will never be as sttong as he used to be

    B) They just added DR

    Under no circumstances should DR be meddled with, or even removed. Nope, never. Bad idea in any case. It would mess the game up more than anything we've seen yet.

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    CassyCassy Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    If He would be unnerfed.
    Have i give a Part of my compansation back?
    And my rdt's i used?

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