Is Battlegrounds causing you to feel burnt out?



  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,620 ★★★★
    BGs is the video game equivalent of drug addiction.

    It provides that rush of endorphins from emerging victorious from a close fought match and from thinking through drafts and rosters. But then it gives you the withdrawal symptoms where things that once brought you joy (Abyss, AW, etc.) feel pointless compared to the easy highs of BGs.

    As you struggle to maintain your fix, you begin to realize what an expensive habit this is as you have to win to get rewards, use the rewards to bolster your roster so that you can win. And every month, you are set back to zero and you have to hope that your account has improved relative to your competition but not so much that it is difficult for you to progress and get your rewards. The satisfying endorphins takes a back seat to this need to continually progress.

  • MaxGamingMaxGaming Member Posts: 3,211 ★★★★★
    Where's the Neither I dont bother with it choice
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