Opponent defender info not showing in AW

Sparky9494Sparky9494 Member Posts: 58
Opponent defender info is not showing in AW anybody else experience that?


  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 4,768 ★★★★★
    I've not joined yet, but I can't check defender stats.
    Idk if it's working for people who have already entered.
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 992 ★★★★
    i've already joined AW attack and the opponent defender info is working just FINE.

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,279 Guardian
    (Also for @WilburW 's post, and using their screen caps below for clarity)

    VERIFIED. Checked all scenarios before updating to new Version, then checked again after Updating.
    **Also in AQ.

    (1) Before Updating game…
    Before joining AQ/AW (so just spectating), could correctly see the Detailed Defender Info champ stats.
    In your own BG, as well as other BG's.
    AQ and AW.
    For AW, both looking at your own attack map (so opponent's defenders), as well as going to your own Defense Map and checking your own team's defenders.
    Could see Defender Info in all cases.

    (2) Updated game to new Version…
    Still before joining AQ/AW.
    Could NO LONGER see Defender Info Stats tab anymore (all same cases listed above).

    (assume that once I actually go and join a BG on attack, they will show up again, as others mentioned)

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