When will this bug be fixed?

I don't know why this happening but every time my opponent gets k.oed in their fight i come out with 0 points. Just guessing though. It's very hard to win 5 in a row with the bug. Kabam has been mute on this bug for 3 seasons now. It's not fun losing elder marks like this. 

It is that your device is registering as a “Disconnect” during your own fight (even if you have actually gone all the way thru and KO’d their defender).
That's why it shows your health as KO and defenders health at 100%.
BG's is evidently very much more dependent on device, load, memory, connection, etc, etc, than any other game mode. And is plaguing a lot of people since released.
Although (interpreting your question differently), yes it does maybe appear to be happening moreso when you actually KO their defender in your fight.
Maybe because the game then switches into a “Waiting” state while your opponent is still in the process of finishing their own fight.
And they didn't even provide compensation that match the level of their bug's!!!