Is it possible to hide/block someone on this forum?

Hi guys, I just realised I would enjoy the forums more if just 1 or 2 users comments weren't visible to me, is there a way to do this?
Otherwise, if I feel like a user is just trolling/gaslighting with their comments, but they never get deleted, who can I make a complaint to?
Otherwise, if I feel like a user is just trolling/gaslighting with their comments, but they never get deleted, who can I make a complaint to?
Kabam has been pretty heavy handed with the ban hammer on the forums as of late. If they were seeing things to be as bad as you believe them to be, I am relatively confident that they would do it. They also have the help of the guardians to bring things to their attention, so there is little-to-nothing that the mods aren’t seeing.
If you can’t enjoy the forums because there are specific people that exist on them, then you have two options - accept that you are within your right to ignore them as much as they are in their right to post, or just leave the forums.
Thank you dude, you're amazing!